Saturday, December 31, 2011

[29-12] 10,0 Oost: Nieuws: IHA LONDON STUDIO

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Henry blog: Baseball camps put athletes on center stage

I hope that you had a wonderful holiday weekend. Christmas could not have gone any better for me. It was a weekend of family, food, fun and let's not forget the gifts. I am truly blessed to have a family that spoils me and my wife, Laura Lee.

However, it did not take me long to realize my Christmas mornings will no longer be the same. Far from it.

Our future baby boy, who is not due until April, made out like a bandit. Not that I was counting, but he received just as many presents as me and Laura Lee. It is going to take this whole upcoming year to prepare myself for next Christmas when our boy steals all the thunder and gets spoiled rotten by his wonderful grandparents and great grandparents.

Honestly Santa Claus, we can't wait.

The excitement of the holiday season doesn't end with Christmas for me, though. I am pumped to be back at Dick Howser Stadium on Mike Martin Field this week working the Mike Martin Baseball Camps. It's actually the first time I will be back on the field with Coach Martin since my senior season at FSU in 2007.

I've always enjoyed (baseball) camping.

Baseball camps are great for players of all ages, and they never get old. Younger players can use the camps to learn the fundamentals, and older guys can continue to master the fundamentals while also attracting the attention of college recruiters and pro scouts.

Baseball is a game of repetition. The best players are usually the guys who can repeat their mechanics, whether it be hitting or pitching. That is one of the main differences between minor-league players such as myself and big-league players. I am still trying to learn to repeat my delivery on each pitch, whereas the big-league guys can usually do it in their sleep.

I remember as a high school player counting down the days to the FSU Holiday camps. I looked forward to learning, competing and, most importantly, being on that field. I would stand on what is now Mike Martin Field during those camps and tell myself, "You will play here one day." That was my goal.

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I looked at all the other players in that camp, and I bet most were saying the same thing, too. They wanted to play at FSU and this was their chance to make an impression. It actually sparked a fire in my belly. That is the competition factor of the camp. Not only are you learning from one of the best coaching staffs in college baseball, but your also competing for their attention.

When I attended FSU's Pitcher/Catcher camp my senior year at Florida High in 2003, little did I know the camp featured a handful of future FSU pitchers in DiCarlo Thompson, Tyler Chambilss, Michael Hyde, Brian Chambers and myself.

The Pitcher/Catcher camp is two days and it all builds up to the final day ? a bullpen session in front of the coaches. We worked through stations learning different things like mechanics, pitch grips, holding runners on base, PFP (pitcher fielding practice), video analysis and a tour of the facility on the first day and a half.

Touring the clubhouse and seeing the "Tradition Room" was like Christmas morning. Seeing the uniforms hanging in the lockers, walking by the All-American plaques and reading about the teams that participated in the College World Series in Omaha, Neb., was jaw dropping. And to think this was prior to the stadium's renovation at that time.

I can't even imagine what kids think of the clubhouse and Tradition Room now. The word "unreal" probably doesn't do it justice. Every day I got dressed for a game or practice I tried to soak it in. In my five years of professional baseball, I have not been in a clubhouse better than the one at FSU. And I know many former FSU players in and out of pro ball agree.

That's one of many reasons why players like myself wanted to make it count when we attended FSU's camp.

The last half day for pitchers was what it was all about ? the bottom of the ninth inning. Pitchers got the opportunity to throw a bullpen with then-pitching coach, Jamey Shouppe, standing behind you, and Mike Martin with assistant coach Mike Martin Jr. standing behind the catcher. This was center stage.

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I can remember it like yesterday. Talk about some juices and nerves flowing, knowing deep down that FSU was my dream school and this was my chance to make an impression. I am pretty sure I was more nervous throwing that bullpen than I was actually pitching for FSU against Miami or Florida. I wanted to throw the ball the best I possibly could to grab Coach Martin's attention.

Talk about role reversal. This week as a coach I have the opportunity to watch players probably experience those same feelings. It is going to be an honor and so much fun to help out Chip Baker, FSU's director of baseball operations and camp coordinator, and Coach Martin. After everything they did for me while I attended FSU, this is the least I could do and I appreciate the invite.

For high school-aged players, camps such as FSU's holiday camps feature plenty of competition. That's simply the nature of the sport. For younger youth players, it's more about having fun, learning the game and being part of something special.

Last week, my buddies Jeremy Haynes (Atlanta Braves organization) and Lorenzo Cain (Kansas City Royals outfielder) teamed to hold the annual Jerald Haynes Game for Gifts Camp in Madison County. Haynes used donations from the camp, which he named this year to honor his deceased father, to purchase Christmas toys for hospitalized children. There was also Next Level Baseball's National Select Camp at Tallahassee Community College that featured instruction from professional scouts.

I always knew I wanted to hold some kind of camp in Tallahassee. Four years ago, David Ross, a catcher with the Atlanta Braves, and I created a camp designed for both parents and players. Our fourth annual Father-Son Camp, scheduled for Jan. 14 at Chiles High School, gives fathers (or moms) the opportunity to participate in the camp along side their son.

Our goal is to teach dad and son the fundamentals of the game so they can continue to practice together, not to mention experience that priceless father/son bonding that takes place on the field.

Camps, from youth to high school, can be an instrumental ? and important ? experience in a player's development. For high-school aged players looking to make an impression this week at FSU's Holiday Camps, remember you might never know who is watching you on the field so give it your best at all times!

I hope that 2011 ends on a high note for everyone. A Champs Sports Bowl victory over the Irish would sure help that out! Hope you have a safe New Year's weekend and a blessed 2012. Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing more next week.

? Bryan Henry, a former All-American pitcher at FSU, is entering his sixth season in the Arizona Diamondbacks organization. Henry is writing a weekly column for The Tallahassee Democrat.


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Romney, Perry slap at Paul on Iran (AP)

MUSCATINE, Iowa ? Mitt Romney and Rick Perry on Wednesday assailed Republican presidential rival Ron Paul for saying the U.S. has no business bombing Iran to keep it from acquiring a nuclear weapon, drawing a sharp contrast with their rising rival as he returned to Iowa to campaign before the lead-off caucuses.

"One of the people running for president thinks it's okay for Iran to have a nuclear weapon," Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, said in this eastern Iowa city in response to a question from the audience. "I don't."

It was the first time Romney has challenged Paul directly since the Texas congressman jumped in polls. Neither Romney nor Perry, the Texas governor, named Paul, but the target was clear.

"You don't have to vote for a candidate who will allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Because America will be next," Perry said in Urbandale, reiterating a line of argument from a day earlier.

"I'm here to say: You have a choice," Perry added.

As if in rebuttal, Paul's campaign launched a new television ad describing him as "principled, incorruptible, guided by faith and principle" and the man to restore the economy. "Politicians who supported bailouts and mandates, serial hypocrites and flip floppers can't clean up the mess," it says as photos of Newt Gingrich and Romney appear on screen.

The stepped-up criticism of Paul, the libertarian-leaning Republican, comes as surveys show he's in contention to win Tuesday's caucuses.

In recent days, conservative opponents including Perry and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann have increased their criticism of Paul on social issues, foreign affairs and inflammatory comments in his decades-old newsletter. By tearing him down, they hope voters will give their campaigns another, closer look after a season marked by candidates who have risen quickly in public standing only to fall back down.

Gingrich, whose slide in surveys over the past week has come as Paul has risen, said Tuesday he couldn't vote for Paul if he were to become the GOP nominee and called his views "totally outside the mainstream of every decent American" during an interview with CNN.

Gingrich, the former House speaker, began Wednesday, the second day of his Iowa bus tour with a speech to about 200 people in the atrium of the Southbridge Mall in Mason City. He plugged his support for supply-side economics favored by President Ronald Reagan.

Gingrich said the primary is giving voters a "choice between a populist supply side approach ... and a much more timid Washington-centered approach that will not create jobs."

Bachmann, who was on the 86th stop of her tour of Iowa's 99 counties, criticized both of her rivals from Texas. She accused Perry of spending "27 years as a political insider." He was a Texas legislator and agriculture commissioner before becoming governor in 2001.

Bachmann said Paul would be "dangerous as president" because of his hands-off views on national security.

Paul, for his part, was meeting with supporters near Des Moines, his first visit to the state since before the campaigns went dark for the Christmas holiday. He planned a series of events over the next two days as he looked to take advantage of a burst of momentum.

A conservative, Paul commands strong allegiance from his supporters but appears to have little potential to expand his appeal and emerge as a serious challenger for the nomination. Yet he could complicate other candidates' pathway to the nomination.

His opponents were spreading out across the state to woo potential caucus-goers, many of whom are still undecided amid a flood of television and radio ads.

In Independence, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum mingled with 25 people at a diner and touted his plan to give a tax break to businesses that bring their operations back to the United States.

He told diners: "Things are going great, we've got momentum." He began airing a new radio ad Wednesday that promotes his hardline opposition to abortion and describes him as a "father of seven, a home-schooler and a devoted husband for 21 years."

Romney kicked off a three-day bus tour in the eastern edge of the state, in Muscatine, and shook hands with an overflow crowd at Elly's Tea and Coffee House. The line to get in stretched into the street.

Beginning the day, Romney told Fox News Channel that he was only joking Monday when he criticized Gingrich's failure to earn a spot on the Virginia ballot as something out of the sitcom "I Love Lucy."

"I hope the speaker understands that was humor, and I'm happy to tell my humorous anecdote to him face to face," Romney said.

Gingrich on Tuesday challenged Romney to make the "I Love Lucy" comparison to Gingrich's face.

Perry, looking to recapture the enthusiasm that greeted his entry into the race in August, railed against Washington and Wall Street insiders as he met with conservatives for breakfast near Des Moines.

"Why should you settle for less than an authentic conservative who will fight for your views and your values without apologies?" he asked, delivering the core rationale for his candidacy.

The packed crowd of conservatives in Urbandale applauded as he pledged to champion a constitutional amendment to balance the federal budget, secure the border within a year and crack down on illegal immigration. He also said he would bring his faith with him into the Oval Office, a nod to the Christian conservatives who have strong sway in the nominating process.


Elliott reported from Urbandale. Associated Press writers Mike Glover in Independence, Brian Bakst in Creston, Shannon McCaffrey in Mason City and Charles Babington in Des Moines contributed to this report.


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US declines to cite China as currency manipulator (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The Obama administration on Tuesday declined to label China a currency manipulator after seeing recent increases in the value of the yuan compared to the dollar.

The decision angered unions and lawmakers that have accused Beijing of artificially holding down the value of its currency to gain trade advantages. A cheaper yuan makes Chinese goods less expensive when they are shipped to the United States. It also makes U.S. goods more expensive in China. Both could increase the U.S. trade deficit with China, which is on pace to hit a record high this year.

The Treasury Department said the yuan has appreciated 12 percent against the dollar in the past 18 months, after adjusting for inflation. In addition, the department said in a semi-annual report that China promised at two high-level meetings last month to make the yuan's exchange rate more flexible.

Still, yuan is "substantially undervalued" and its appreciation "is insufficient and more progress is needed," the report noted. The department will "press for policy changes that yield greater exchange rate flexibility" and "level the playing field."

The currency report evaluates exchange rate policies of all major U.S. trading partners. It was scheduled to be released on Oct. 15, but the administration delayed its release until after last month's meetings.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, criticized the administration for refusing to cite China for manipulating its currency. Romney has said that, if elected, he would take that step on his first day in office. That could lead to trade sanctions against China.

Scott Paul, executive director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, also questioned the decision.

"I'm disappointed that President Obama has now formally refused six times to cite China for its currency manipulation, a practice which has contributed to the loss of hundreds of thousands of American manufacturing jobs," Paul said.

Paul urged the House to pass legislation approved by the Senate that would make it easier to cite China for unfairly manipulating its currency. Many manufacturers argue that China's currency is undervalued by as much as 40 percent.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, has opposed the measure.

China has recently taken action that could result in the yuan appreciating without prodding from the U.S.

China and Japan agreed this week to accept the others' currency when trading. Currently, they each convert their currency to dollars. That has made trade between the two Asian economic giants more expensive.

The change could reduce the importance of the dollar in Asia, the world's fastest-growing region. But it could also help the yuan trade more freely on international markets, which could result in it appreciating against the dollar.


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Ancient galaxy "from dawn of time" creating stars at shocking rate, astronomers say

Scientists photographing an ancient galaxy formed just after the birth of the universe say it is churning out stars at a "shocking rate," creating the equivalent of about 100 Suns a year.

Astronomers, who used NASA?s Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes to photograph the galaxy, called GN-108036, said it was one of the most distant from Earth ??about 12.9 billion light-years away.

Given it has taken 12.9 billion years for the images to reach us, the galaxy appears as it existed just 750 million years after the universe began, UPI reported. "The universe, for comparison, is about 13.7 billion years old."

NASA officials described the galaxy, whose discovery was announced Dec. 21, as shining from the "dawn of time," reported.?

?The discovery is surprising because previous surveys had not found galaxies this bright so early in the history of the universe,? read a widely reported statement from Mark Dickinson from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory. ?It may be a special, rare object that we just happened to catch during an extreme burst of star formation.?

The Milky Way galaxy, home to Earth,?is about five times bigger than GN-108036 but makes about 30 times fewer stars per year.

Astronomers were "surprised to see such a rate of star formation in a galaxy is so small and from such an early cosmic era," UPI reports.

Galaxies forming within the first few hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang were much smaller than the ones astronomers see in later periods because they had not yet built up most of their bulk.

So seeing a galaxy like GN-108036, which is small yet exceptionally bright and teeming with star formation, came as a shock.

"The high rate of star formation found for GN-108036 implies that it was rapidly building up its mass some 750 million years after the Big Bang, when the universe was only about 5 percent of its present age," UPI quotes Bahram Mobasher, an astronomer from the University of California, Riverside, as saying.

"This was therefore a likely ancestor of massive and evolved galaxies seen today."

A photo of the rare galaxy released by NASA shows the object as a red blob surrounded by other bright galaxies.?


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How India?s ?untouchable? entrepreneurs use capital to fight caste

When Prashant Tambe sought a loan to expand his private college last year, the bank didn?t turn him down outright. ?It was just red-tape-ism,? the young entrepreneur said, using a popular Indian expression for business death by a thousand bureaucratic hurdles.

His brother, Avinash Tambe, had an identical experience seeking funds to build his coal import firm. They have no illusions about the source of the banks? reluctance: It began when they wrote their surname on their loan applications.

More related to this story

The name Tambe identifies them as Dalits ? the people once known as ?untouchables,? at the bottom of the Hindu caste system. And so despite the fact that the brothers have eight post-graduate degrees and two successful businesses between them, they struggle to get access to capital and chafe at the opportunities they are missing.

They recently had an opportunity to share that frustration, and to seek out new partners, at a first-ever trade fair organized by the Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

?It?s a strange irony and it tells you a lot about the ground reality of India,? Prashant Tambe mused as they set up their stall in a vast Mumbai exhibition hall ? it?s popular wisdom in the country today that the booming economy will end the influence of caste, but the best way they can find to be part of that economy is to join a caste-based business association.

The Dalit business lobby, founded in 2005, has 1,000 members; 180 of them came from across the country to exhibit and network at the three-day fair. There were companies making solar-power systems, military uniforms, car parts, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and industrial piping; there were also small financial-service companies and construction firms.

The DICCI slogan is ?fighting caste with capital.? But many business owners at the fair said they share one key problem: They can?t get their hands on that capital.

As the Tambes and others described, Dalit business owners struggle to obtain conventional bank loans. Sometimes it?s malice from dominant-caste bank employees who do not want to see a Dalit business succeed, said Prashant Tambe; other times it?s simply that the bankers doubt that a first-generation Dalit business owner will have the acumen to be a safe loan risk.

Almost always, they lack collateral ? while Dalits are a sixth of India?s population, they control only an estimated 1 per cent of the country?s wealth. The vast bulk of the population continues to be landless labourers working for occasional daily wages of one or two dollars.

And they have no access to the other key source of funding for Indian entrepreneurs; loans from extended family or their caste community ? ?internal funding,? as it?s known here. The Tambes? father was the kind of general labourer called a ?peon? here and their mother was a nursing assistant with a primary-school education; the cousin who is a co-owner of the coal business is the son of a cycle rickshaw driver. They pushed their sons to seek education, but they had no funds to bankroll their good ideas.

The Indian government has attempted to address the issue through a Dalit-focused national finance-development corporation, but it provides only small loans of up to $5,000 ? enough, as DICCI chairperson Milind Kamble put it, to buy a large photocopier and set a family up as a corner copy shop, but not enough to bankroll an entrepreneur whose ambitions stretch beyond that.


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Business Matters: Inside SoundExchange's 2010 and 2011 ...

December 23, 2011

The Inevitability of Unpaid Royalties: SoundExchange's 2010 & 2011 Numbers
-- SoundExchange, the non-profit organization tasked with collecting and distributing royalties from non-interactive webcasters, paid out $250 million to artists and labels in 2010 and expects to pay out $292 million in 2011. Since its inception, SoundExchange is nearing $900 million in total distributions.

In 2010, SoundExchange collected $270 million in royalties and paid out about $250 million. That unbalance may seem bad, but there's actually a positive trend: the growth in SoundExchange's payments (60.3 percent) was greater than the growth in its collections (32.2 percent). The 2010 numbers can be found in the organization's IRS Form 990 recently made public.

Why would money leave faster than it came in? SoundExchange tells it had 12,000 new registrations in 2010 and another 15,300 in 2011. In the last year, SoundExchange has done over 80 matching programs with partners such as TuneCore and RootMusic to help identify artists and labels who have unclaimed royalties. SoundExchange adds that it has added in-house staff to help contract unregistered artists and labels.

In another good sign, the year-ending balance of unpaid royalties declined to $252 million at the end of 2010 from $294 million at the end of 2009. The amount marked as unpayable fell from to $111 million from $132 million.

Of the $252 million cash balance, about $120 million has either been already or is almost paid, the organization claims. Here's how that breaks down: About $60 million was paid in 2011, uncashed checks account for $26 million (up from $11 million a year earlier) and $14 million are queued for distribution in 2012. Another $20 million represents royalties for which SoundExchange has no data. And $49 million was accrued but not received at the end of 2010.

The remaining $132 million is marked as unpayable, down from $111 million a year earlier. Almost half of the amount, $60 million, is earmarked for artists but is unclaimed because the artist has not yet registered with SoundExchange. A year earlier, the unclaimed balance was $43 million.

SoundExchange routinely takes heat for the amount of unpaid royalties on its books. Critics want to see artists and labels located and paid - and rightly so - before unpaid amounts are taken off the books and paid out to existing members. Indeed, nobody can be happy that $132 million in royalties is unpayable when digital revenue is needed more than ever. ?

But some level of unpayable royalties is inevitable, unfortunately. And artists and labels need to take responsibility. One figure shows the long, though slog involved in securing new registrants: 36 percent. That's the fraction of artists and labels that were located through matching programs with partners - and contacted by those partners - who actually registered in 2011. According to figures shared by SoundExchange, matching programs located 42,400 unpaid parties yet SoundExchange had only 15,300 new registrants in 2011.

Google, Vevo comScore High

-- Google sites retained their spot atop comScore's top U.S. web properties in November while music video network Vevo maintained its footprint. Out of 221 million U.S. Internet users, Google sites had 186.7 million unique visitors in November, the same it had in October. That's a huge number with direct implications for the music industry. Google Music will need to leverage Google's breadth to get its music locker and download store off the ground. Vevo videos are viewed on YouTube and thus benefit from Google's massive footprint. And the fortunes of the Android mobile platform are in some ways tied to the success of Google's online products and properties. Needless to say, it's good to be No. 1.

Vevo had 63.3 million unique U.S. visitors in November, about even with the 63.6 million unique visitors it reached in October. But Vevo dropped one spot to #17 on comScore's rankings. As detailed by comScore's U.S. Online Video Rankings for November, Vevo was the top YouTube channel with 53.3 million unique visitors, 845.5 million videos viewed and 71.1 minutes per viewer on the platform.
( comScore)

3,300: The Echo Nest's Artists-That-Called-It-A-Day-in-2011 List

-- Paul Lamere, director of developer platform at music intelligence company The Echo Nest, compiled a list of artists who "called it a day in 2011." These are people who died, went on indefinite hiatus or retired this year. Lamere created the list searching The Echo Nest's metadata and limiting the results for artists with an end-year of 2011. The results were ranked by The Echo Nest's proprietary measure of an artist's hotness. ?

The list shows not only the surprising number of artists who stopped making music in 2011 - the list has 3,300 names! - but shows the ways The Echo Nest's music intelligence platform can be used in unexpected ways. The alternative to Lamere's method for creating this list is a far more cumbersome process that would undoubtedly involve much human labor instead of simple coding.
?(Artists That Called It A Day in 2011, via Copyhype)



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Vietnam made a gaffe when receiving China's Vice President, by displaying Chinese flags bearing one star too many

Vietnam made a gaffe when receiving China's Vice President, by displaying Chinese flags bearing one star too many

Young Vietnamese girls are seen waving Chinese flags carrying an extra star on them as visiting Chinese vice president Xi Jinping is greeted during an official welcoming ceremony at the presidential palace in Hanoi, on December 21. Vietnam made an embarrassing gaffe when receiving Xi, considered the future number one in Beijing, by displaying Chinese flags bearing one star too many.

Source: AFP - Copyright AFP 2008, AFP stories and photos shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium


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Friday, December 23, 2011

Plaxico eager to burn Giants

Seattle Seahawks v Pittsburgh SteelersGetty Images

Steelers linebacker James Harrison has acted with defiance in the wake of his one-game suspension.? Now that he?s back at work, he?s still not fully accepting blame for his latest illegal hit.? Instead, he?s pointing a finger at the Browns for allowing the player into whose face Harrison planted a helmet to return to action after missing only two plays.

?If he was hurt so bad I don?t know why they let him back in . . . two plays later,? Harrison said.? ?Something should be done to them, I would think.? I don?t know.? I got a game, what should they get??

They?ll get nothing, according to multiple reports.? Surprisingly, the Browns won?t be disciplined in any way for allowing concussed quarterback Colt McCoy to get back on the field without evaluating his brain.

We know, we know.? Browns president Mike Holmgren has said that it?s unfair to criticize the team because no one saw the mammoth hit on McCoy.? You know, the mammoth hit that happened in plain view of the team?s sideline, where players and numerous other team employees were standing and watching the game.

Of course, the Browns? misguided decision to let McCoy back into the game doesn?t excuse Harrison?s illegal hit, or his history of them.? Penalties, fines, and suspensions aren?t disseminated based on whether a player gets injured; instead, they?re based on whether the hits are illegal.

In that regard, Harrison surprisingly seems to be willing to comply with the rules.

?I?m doing everything they ask me to do,? Harrison said.? ?I?ve lowered my target area, that?s it.?

That?s really all he needs to do.? Now, the question becomes whether, in the heat of the moment, he?ll actually do it.


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Apple buys flash storage maker Anobit for $500 million, aims to establish R&D lab in Israel

The rumor mill has been churning on this one for the last few days, but it's now as official as it's ever apt to get: Apple has decided to splash out the $500 million to buy Israeli flash-chip outfit Anobit. The fabless designer of MLC NAND flash chips should be a good fit, given Cupertino's reliance on solid state storage technology for its iPad, iPod, iPhone and Macbook Air lines. With $84 billion in the bank, the purchase has cost the company just over half a percent of its war chest, and we're guessing it'll just barely feel the pinch when said funds are transferred over. The story was originally reported in the Calcalist financial daily newspaper, with the verified Twitter account of the Prime Minister of Israel chiming in with the following:
"Welcome to Israel, Apple Inc. on your [first] acquisition here. I'm certain that you'll benefit from the fruit of the Israeli knowledge."
Moreover, Apple's expected to open up a research and development center in the nation, marking its first outside of the USA. If history has anything to say about it, we highly doubt Apple will ever open its mouth one way or the other on this, but it'll be interesting to see what related nuggets are uncovered in the company's next quarterly filing with the SEC.

Apple buys flash storage maker Anobit for $500 million, aims to establish R&D lab in Israel originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 20 Dec 2011 20:06:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Libyan leader returns to University of Washington (AP)

SEATTLE ? One morning last February, Ali Tarhouni, a professor at the University of Washington's business school, gave his microeconomics students some startling news: He wouldn't be teaching them anymore. He was off to help with the Libyan revolution.

He returned to the university for a brief visit Tuesday following a 10-month absence that saw him serve as the oil and finance minister in the transitional government, hold the hand of a dying 14-year-old boy, and stand bitterly over the battered corpse of Moammar Gadhafi.

"A year ago at this time, I was thinking about what coffee shop would I go to to have a good cup of coffee," Tarhouni said at a news conference. "I've seen a lot of death this last nine months. ... You see a lot of courage, a lot of pain, a lot of pride."

Tarhouni, 60, was exiled from Libya in the 1970s, after he and other students pressed for greater democracy and reforms, and he told his students that he had been on Gadhafi's hit list for three decades.

He earned a doctorate from Michigan State University in 1983 before coming to the University of Washington's Foster School of Business, where he has taught since 1985. He kept pressing for greater freedoms in Libya, without success, and when the revolution finally came, he said, his wife and children knew he would go.

Tarhouni soon found himself heading the oil and finance ministries in the transitional government, backed by rebels who knew his credentials could bring them added legitimacy in the West. He won credit with journalists by speaking honestly about the difficulties and disorganization the rebels faced in those tumultuous days, and became one of the most visible and internationally respected figures in the transitional government.

He declined to continue serving in the government, though, and criticized the country's new leadership as unrepresentative of the populace ? a government he described as unduly influenced by foreign powers, an apparent reference to meddling by Qatar. But on Tuesday he described it as a good government, and said he would continue working to form a new, broad, democratic political party.

"There's really no manual for building a state from scratch," he said. "What makes it really tough is ? we're hoping, we're dreaming, and I believe strongly we will succeed in building a democratic society ? but there's really no history of democracy in Libya. ... I thought I could serve it better by building this political movement."

It isn't clear whether Tarhouni will return to teaching. His stay in Seattle to see his wife and grown children will last just a week.

Among the most memorable moments of his return to Libya from exile were standing in the capital, Tripoli, and declaring it to be free, as well as holding the hand of a crying, injured 14-year-old supporter of Gadhafi, he said.

"I told him, `You're not my enemy,'" Tarhouni said. "He died three hours later."

He was less saddened by the death of Gadhafi.

"I stood over his corpse the same day he was killed," he said. "I thought of the comrades and friends who died in prison and never saw this day. ... I couldn't believe this ugly corpse did this damage to Libya."

Within 15 seconds of getting back in his car, though, he realized Gadhafi was no longer on his mind. There were other things to think of.


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Monday, December 19, 2011

North Koreans rally around Kim Jong Il's heir

FILE - In this April 25, 2002 file photo, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il claps from the balcony as soldiers salute him during a military parade, celebrating the foundation of the armed forces in Pyongyang, North Korea. North Korean television announced Monday, Dec. 19, 2011 in a "special broadcast" that its leader Kim Jong Il has died in Pyongyang. (AP Photo/Katsumi Kasahara, File)

FILE - In this April 25, 2002 file photo, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il claps from the balcony as soldiers salute him during a military parade, celebrating the foundation of the armed forces in Pyongyang, North Korea. North Korean television announced Monday, Dec. 19, 2011 in a "special broadcast" that its leader Kim Jong Il has died in Pyongyang. (AP Photo/Katsumi Kasahara, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 10, 2010 file photo Kim Jong Un, right, along with his father and North Korea leader Kim Jong Il, left, attends during a massive military parade marking the 65th anniversary of the ruling Workers' Party in Pyongyang, North Korea. North Korean television announced Monday, Dec. 19, 2011 in a "special broadcast" that its leader Kim Jong Il has died in Pyongyang. (AP Photo/Kyodo News, File) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, FRANCE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA

(AP) ? North Korea urged its 24 million people to rally behind heir-apparent Kim Jong Un after the death Monday of supreme leader Kim Jong Il, while the world watched warily for signs of instability in a nation pursuing nuclear weapons.

South Korea put its military on high alert, while President Barack Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak agreed by phone to closely monitor the events in the North and cooperate.

People on the streets of the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, broke into tears as they learned the news that Kim had died at the age 69 of heart failure.

The North's official Korean Central News Agency said the country "must faithfully revere respectable comrade Kim Jong Un." While there was no immediate statement on the country's official succession, there were clear indications that Kim Jong Un would be in charge.

The North said in a dispatch that the people and the military "have pledged to uphold the leadership of comrade Kim Jong Un" and called him a "great successor" of the country's revolutionary philosophy of juche, or self reliance.

"At the leadership of comrade Kim Jong Un, we have to change sadness to strength and courage and overcome today's difficulties," North Korea said.

Associated Press


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Poll: Is it Election Day yet? (Politico)

A whopping seven in 10 Americans can?t wait for the presidential campaign to be over, according to a new poll Friday.

The Iowa caucuses aren?t for 17 days, but 70 percent of Americans say they already wish campaign season was done, a USA Today/Gallup poll released Friday shows. Slightly over one-fourth of Americans, or 26 percent, disagree with the majority of those polled and say they can?t wait for the presidential campaign to begin.

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And campaign fatigue is even greater in 12 swing states key to the election ? 75 percent of residents in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin want it to be over. Only 21 percent of those living in these swing states say they are looking forward to the presidential election season with anticipation, the poll found.

As for Republicans and Democrats, there?s finally some bipartisan agreement on an issue: 67 percent of Democrats and 66 percent of Republicans can?t wait for the 2012 presidential campaign to be over. Just 31 percent of Republicans are looking forward to its kickoff, and only 27 percent of Democrats say they feel the same.

The poll surveyed 1,034 adults from Dec. 6-7. The margin of error is plus or minus three percentage points.


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Rapid rise in wildfires in large parts of Canada?

Rapid rise in wildfires in large parts of Canada? [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 16-Dec-2011
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Contact: Tilo Arnhold
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

Ecologists show for the first time threshold values for natural wildfires

This press release is available in German.

Chicago/Leipzig. Large forest regions in Canada are apparently about to experience rapid change. Based on models, scientists can now show that there are threshold values for wildfires just like there are for epidemics. Large areas of Canada are apparently approaching this threshold value and may in future exceed it due to climate change. As a result both the area burnt down annually and the average size of the fires would increase, write the researchers of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and the University of Michigan in the December issue of the journal the American Naturalist. The strategies for combating wildfires in large parts of Canada should therefore be reconsidered.

According to media reports, after weeks of drought around 1,000 hectares of forest and scrubland were burnt down in the West Canadian province British Columbia in the summer of 2009 alone. 11,000 people had to be evacuated. Are such events on the rise as a result of climate change? This question is being hotly debated by ecologists all over the world. In July a group of US researchers led by Anthony Westerling of the University of California forecasted similar changes in the journal PNAS. They believe that climate change might result in a dramatic increase in the threat of wildfires in Yellowstone National Park and that the forests might disappear here in the 21st century.

Fires are an important factor in many terrestrial ecosystems. They are a result of the interaction of the weather, vegetation and land use, which makes them very sensitive to global change. "Changes in the wildfire regime have a significant impact on a local and global scale and therefore on the climate as well. It is therefore important to understand how the mechanisms which shape these wildfires work in order to be able to make predictions on what will change in future," explains PD Dr. Volker Grimm of the UFZ.

For their model, the scientists evaluated data from the Canadian Forest Service, which had recorded fires greater than 200 hectares between 1959 and 1999, and sorted these by ecozone. This showed that three of these ecozones in Canada are close to a turning point: the Hudson Plains south of the Hudson Bay, the Boreale Plains in the Mid-West the Boreale Shield, which stretches from the Mid-West to the East coast and is therefore the largest ecozone in Canada. The closest to a turning point is apparently the Boreale Shield. In order to check their model and the theory of a threshold value for wildfires, the scientists looked at the fires in this region more closely. Around 1980 the average size of the fires in this part of the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba tripled rapidly. "In our opinion this is a sign that there are also threshold values for forests above which the wildfire regime drastically changes," reports Volker Grimm. "It is likely that the Boreale Plains have in recent decades, particularly around 1980, experienced a change to a system characterised by wildfires. This has fundamental repercussions for the environment and the combating of wildfires. Small changes in the fire propagation parameters have a great impact on the size of the fires." Gradual changes, such as those which can be expected due to climate change, can therefore result in an abrupt and sharp increase in the size of the fires.

The scientists were also interested in the parallels with disease propagation. Prevention strategies, which reduce combustible material, are in a way similar to the vaccinations which are used against the spread of diseases such as the measles. Here too there is a threshold value above which a disease spreads and below which it falls. Other modellers from the UFZ were therefore able to turn this theoretical threshold value into a practical value. With foxes it was shown that only 60 per cent had to be vaccinated against rabies in order to successfully combat the disease. The scientists therefore hope to find out more in future studies which cover both disciplines.

Tilo Arnhold



Richard D. Zinck, Mercedes Pascual and Volker Grimm (2011): Understanding Shifts in Wildfire Regimes as Emergent Threshold Phenomena. The American Naturalist. Vol. 178, No. 6, December 2011

The studies were funded by the European Union within the scope of the EU's PATRES project.

Other technical information:

PD Dr. Volker Grimm
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Telephone: 0341-235-1711


Richard D. Zinck


Dr. Mercedes Pascual
University of Michigan
Telephone: 734-615-9808


Tilo Arnhold (UFZ Press Office)
Telephone: 0341-235-1269

Links with further information:

UN Year of Forests 2011:

Study: Climate Change to Increase Yellowstone Wildfires Dramatically

Fires regenerate African grassland (press release, 19 September 2008):

Disturbances in Ecosystems:

Ecological Epidemiology:

Canada's Ecozones:

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Rapid rise in wildfires in large parts of Canada? [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 16-Dec-2011
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Tilo Arnhold
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

Ecologists show for the first time threshold values for natural wildfires

This press release is available in German.

Chicago/Leipzig. Large forest regions in Canada are apparently about to experience rapid change. Based on models, scientists can now show that there are threshold values for wildfires just like there are for epidemics. Large areas of Canada are apparently approaching this threshold value and may in future exceed it due to climate change. As a result both the area burnt down annually and the average size of the fires would increase, write the researchers of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and the University of Michigan in the December issue of the journal the American Naturalist. The strategies for combating wildfires in large parts of Canada should therefore be reconsidered.

According to media reports, after weeks of drought around 1,000 hectares of forest and scrubland were burnt down in the West Canadian province British Columbia in the summer of 2009 alone. 11,000 people had to be evacuated. Are such events on the rise as a result of climate change? This question is being hotly debated by ecologists all over the world. In July a group of US researchers led by Anthony Westerling of the University of California forecasted similar changes in the journal PNAS. They believe that climate change might result in a dramatic increase in the threat of wildfires in Yellowstone National Park and that the forests might disappear here in the 21st century.

Fires are an important factor in many terrestrial ecosystems. They are a result of the interaction of the weather, vegetation and land use, which makes them very sensitive to global change. "Changes in the wildfire regime have a significant impact on a local and global scale and therefore on the climate as well. It is therefore important to understand how the mechanisms which shape these wildfires work in order to be able to make predictions on what will change in future," explains PD Dr. Volker Grimm of the UFZ.

For their model, the scientists evaluated data from the Canadian Forest Service, which had recorded fires greater than 200 hectares between 1959 and 1999, and sorted these by ecozone. This showed that three of these ecozones in Canada are close to a turning point: the Hudson Plains south of the Hudson Bay, the Boreale Plains in the Mid-West the Boreale Shield, which stretches from the Mid-West to the East coast and is therefore the largest ecozone in Canada. The closest to a turning point is apparently the Boreale Shield. In order to check their model and the theory of a threshold value for wildfires, the scientists looked at the fires in this region more closely. Around 1980 the average size of the fires in this part of the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba tripled rapidly. "In our opinion this is a sign that there are also threshold values for forests above which the wildfire regime drastically changes," reports Volker Grimm. "It is likely that the Boreale Plains have in recent decades, particularly around 1980, experienced a change to a system characterised by wildfires. This has fundamental repercussions for the environment and the combating of wildfires. Small changes in the fire propagation parameters have a great impact on the size of the fires." Gradual changes, such as those which can be expected due to climate change, can therefore result in an abrupt and sharp increase in the size of the fires.

The scientists were also interested in the parallels with disease propagation. Prevention strategies, which reduce combustible material, are in a way similar to the vaccinations which are used against the spread of diseases such as the measles. Here too there is a threshold value above which a disease spreads and below which it falls. Other modellers from the UFZ were therefore able to turn this theoretical threshold value into a practical value. With foxes it was shown that only 60 per cent had to be vaccinated against rabies in order to successfully combat the disease. The scientists therefore hope to find out more in future studies which cover both disciplines.

Tilo Arnhold



Richard D. Zinck, Mercedes Pascual and Volker Grimm (2011): Understanding Shifts in Wildfire Regimes as Emergent Threshold Phenomena. The American Naturalist. Vol. 178, No. 6, December 2011

The studies were funded by the European Union within the scope of the EU's PATRES project.

Other technical information:

PD Dr. Volker Grimm
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Telephone: 0341-235-1711


Richard D. Zinck


Dr. Mercedes Pascual
University of Michigan
Telephone: 734-615-9808


Tilo Arnhold (UFZ Press Office)
Telephone: 0341-235-1269

Links with further information:

UN Year of Forests 2011:

Study: Climate Change to Increase Yellowstone Wildfires Dramatically

Fires regenerate African grassland (press release, 19 September 2008):

Disturbances in Ecosystems:

Ecological Epidemiology:

Canada's Ecozones:

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Stocks higher amid upbeat euro outlook

By news services

Wall Street moved higher Friday as investors were attracted to risk assets, with the euro higher and key euro zone bond yields down.

Reflecting improved investor confidence, benchmark Italian bond yields stabilized below 7 percent and Spanish yields also fell. Still, worries persisted over possible sovereign credit downgrades to the euro zone members.

European shares were slightly lower, but mining stocks rose, tracking metals. Copper prices added nearly 2.3 percent.

The euro rose against the U.S. dollar in a rebound from recent losses.

Stocks continued to be supported by strong U.S. data from Thursday, according to Jim Paulsen, chief investment officer at Wells Capital Management in Minneapolis.

"The reality is this morning, (jobless) claims are still way down, manufacturing sectors had a nice pop and that provides a nice floor to the market," he said.

The number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits fell to a 3-1/2-year low last week and factory activity in parts of the Northeast picked up in December, data showed Thursday.

Online gamesmaker Zynga Inc was expected to make a strong debut on the Nasdaq Friday after it priced its initial public offering at $10 per share, the top end of its range.

U.S. consumer prices were flat in November as Americans paid less for cars and gasoline, while the 12-month inflation reading fell for the second straight month, which could give the Federal Reserve more room to help a still-weak economy.

Paulsen said that subdued inflation will be a long-term positive as consumers benefit from contained prices.

"That's one of the reasons you're seeing better consumer (confidence) of late," he said.

Research In Motion Ltd posted a sharp drop in profit on Thursday, offered a dismal outlook for BlackBerry shipments during the holidays and delayed an overhaul of its smartphones. The stock dropped nearly 10 percent to $13.64 in premarket trading.

Reuters contributed to this report.


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Exclusive: Made in Texas: Apple's A5 iPhone chip (Reuters)

SAN FRANCISCO ? Apple Inc is famous for relying on low-cost Asian manufacturers to both source and assemble its popular gadgets, but the consumer device giant recently started receiving a critical component in its iPad and iPhones from closer to home - Texas.

The A5 processor - the brain in the iPhone 4S and iPad 2 - is now made in a sprawling 1.6 million square feet factory in Austin owned by Korean electronics giant Samsung Electronics, according to people familiar with the operation.

One of the few major components to be sourced from within the United States, the A5 processor is built by Samsung in a newly constructed $3.6 billion non-memory chip production line that reached full production in early December.

Nearly all of the output of the non-memory chip production from the factory - which is the size of about nine football fields - is dedicated to producing Apple chips, one of the people said. Samsung also produces NAND flash memory chips in Austin.

The South Korean giant began supplying the A5 processors to Apple this year from the Austin plant, the people said.

Apple declined to comment, saying it does not detail supplier relationships. A Samsung spokeswoman declined to comment on its customers and the specification of the chips made in its Austin plant.

But she said the company expanded the Austin factory to include a production line to make logic chips. The A5 is one such chip.

The powerful A5 processor, which uses technology licensed from Britain's ARM Holdings, is designed by Apple in California.

The A5 chip debuted in Apple's iPad 2 in March and now also powers the new iPhone 4S. The 120 square millimeter chip is twice as fast as its predecessor, the A4, which is also made by Samsung, according to reports from teardown firms that have taken Apple's devices apart.


Apart from Austin, Samsung has only one other non-memory logic chip factory, in South Korea.

Apple relies on its main contract manufacturer for gadgets, Foxconn, to assemble them, mainly in its factories in China and Taiwan.

The roaring success of both the iPad and iPhone has helped the city of Austin, where Freescale Semiconductor is based and other chip companies, like ARM, Intel and Advanced Micro Devices, also have operations.

Semiconductor companies are attracted to Austin because of a steady supply of educated employees from the University of Texas' engineering school.

Samsung has added about 1,100 jobs to support the new non-memory chip production in the factory, which produces 40,000 silicon wafers every month, a Samsung spokeswoman said.

The rest of Samsung's total 2,400 employees in Austin work in its NAND flash memory factory by the logic chip factory, she added.

The Korean company, which began the U.S. plant in 1996 to make its NAND flash memory chips, continues to produce them there in addition to the A5.

Samsung's factory is the largest foreign investment in Texas with a total investment of about $9 billion, according to Austin Chamber of Commerce.

Austin is also home to an Apple customer call center that deals with customer complaints in North America, Apple's biggest market. The Cupertino company employs thousands in that facility, who deal with calls ranging from complaints to support.

While Apple is one of Samsung's largest customers, both are arch-rivals in the smartphone and tablet marketplace. The two companies are also locked in an acrimonious patent infringement battle that spans multiple countries and products.

(Additional reporting by Noel Randewich in San Francisco and Miyoung Kim in Seoul; Editing by Gary Hill)


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