Friday, March 30, 2012

2 studies tie pesticide to bee colonies' collapse

AAAS / Science

A bee with a transmitter glued to its back was one of the specimens in a study that used the radio technology to track what happened to bee colonies exposed to a widely used pesticide.

By Miguel Llanos,

A widely used crop pesticide first introduced in the 1990s has caused significant changes to bee colonies worldwide and removing it could be the key factor in restoring nature's army of pollinators, according to two studies released Thursday.

The scientists behind the studies called for regulators to consider banning the class of?chemicals known as neonicotinoid insecticides. In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency told that the studies would be incorporated into a review that's currently underway.

"Our study raises important issues regarding pesticide authorization procedures,"?stated Mikael Henry, co-author of a study on?honey bees. "So far, they mostly require manufacturers to ensure that doses encountered on the field do not kill bees, but they basically ignore the consequences of doses that do not kill them but may cause behavioral difficulties."

"There is an urgent need to develop alternatives to the widespread use of neonicotinoid pesticides on flowering crops wherever possible," added the authors of the second study on bumble bees.

The studies are the first?to go outside the lab and into the fields, where the experts said they?detected how the pesticide impacts bees as they collect pollen and pollinate flowers and crops.

Honey bee populations have been crashing around the world in recent years, and pesticides have been suspected, along with other potential factors such as parasites, disease?and habitat loss, in what's known as Colony Collapse Disorder. In the U.S., some beekeepers in 2006 began reporting losses of 30-90 percent of their hives, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Combating Colony Collapse Disorder is hardly an esoteric exercise. The USDA notes that "bee pollination is responsible for $15 billion in added crop value, particularly for specialty crops such as almonds and other nuts, berries, fruits, and vegetables.

"About one mouthful in three in the diet directly or indirectly benefits from honey bee pollination," it adds.

Published in the peer-reviewed journal Science, one study by?British scientists?looked at honey bees and the other by French scientists examined bumble bees, which unlike honey bees live in the wild but also are key pollinators.

In the?bumble bee study, researchers concluded that?colonies treated with?nonlethal levels of?the pesticide "had a significantly reduced growth rate and suffered an 85% reduction in production of new queens" compared to colonies without the pesticide.

"It was quite?massive,"?researcher Penelope Whitehorn said of the reduction?at a press conference Thursday.?(Click here for audio of the news conference.)

"Bumble bees have an annual life cycle and it is only new queens that survive the winter to found colonies in the spring," the authors noted. "Our results suggest that trace levels of neonicotinoid pesticides can have strong negative consequence for queen production by bumble bee colonies under realistic field conditions, and this is likely to have a substantial population-level impact."

In the honey bee study, radio transmitters were attached to the back of?bees?to see how they foraged in conditions with and without the pesticide.

The pesticide, the researchers concluded, impaired the homing ability of bees and exposed bees were two to three times more likely to die while away from the hive. That?"high mortality ...?could put a colony at risk of collapse" within a few weeks of exposure, especially in combination with other stressors,?they noted.

"We were actually quite surprised by the magnitude," Henry told reporters.

The EPA, contacted by, provided a statement saying that it has "begun reviewing the two studies ... and they will be considered as part of registration review." Non-EPA scientists will weigh in at a special meeting in the fall, it added.

The prevailing view among most scientists and regulators is that?"complex interactions among multiple stressors" are?to blame, the EPA stated.? "While our understanding of the potential role of pesticides in pollinator health declines is still progressing, we continue to seek to learn what regulatory changes, if any, may be effective."

The American Chemistry Council, which represents the chemical industry, told it would comment on the studies once its experts had reviewed them.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Don Scott Fighting With Prostate Cancer | TopNews Arab Emirates

Prostate-CancerProstate cancer is a deadly disease which affects millions of men all over the world. It has been reported that the former Hawthorn great Don Scott has also caught in the clutches of prostate cancer. Last night, during an interview on Channel Seven, Scott revealed that he is taking prostate cancer treatment.

Although Scott has been affected with prostate cancer, he calls himself a luck man as he was diagnosed with the cancer at an early stage. He informed that after Ester, he might undergo surgery. But nothing is sure at the moment.

Scott is famous as Footy legend. He has saved his club by working harder. Scott informed that he used to get annual checkups, which ultimately helped him in getting diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early stage.

The awareness about prostate cancer is lacking because of which a large number of men are diagnosed with it at late stage. He was reported as saying, "Its non-intrusive day surgery. I'm lucky, they caught it early? I had an examination, then a biopsy and they found it was malignant. I felt terrible when I found out, lower than a snake's belly?.

He said that he feels embarrassed of thinking of going through a surgery. But he also said that if required he would undergo surgery to make sure that he does survive. It is estimated that about 3,300 men dies of prostate cancer in Australia, every year.

Annual checkups can prevent men from being adversely affected with prostate cancer. It is hoped that men will follow Scott and would opt for annual checks to make sure that they are free from the strains of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is curable if diagnosed at an early stage.


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How to Grow Hair in a Natural Way | Beneficial Function

Are you afraid of looking at you in front of the mirror? Is the hair fall problem making you nervous? Then it is the high time for you to think of this problem in a serious manner. Therefore, it is obvious that you would love to opt for some effective methods for improving your hair fall situation. In that case, you would definitely love to grow hair in order to fight out your hair loss problem.

Whenever you are looking to improve your hair loss situation, it can be easily said that you would love to increase the density of your hair in order to fight out your hair fall situation. Usually, after the hair falls from your head, hair follicles begin the process of producing new hair. However, due to lack of the growth rate, we find ourselves in a disgusting position where the density of our hair decreases with the advancement of time. At that point of time, one would like to increase the density of his hair by applying some techniques. Under such circumstances, you can have the opportunity to depend on some hair products that will definitely help you to grow hair in a natural manner.

  • Phytolium 4: This is a hair growing product that efficiently helps you to protect the thinning of your hair. Within this hair product, there is a clinically proven compound called Capicellpro that directly works on the hair follicles in order to prevent the thinning of your hair. Basically, this product contains serenoa extract which protects your hair from thinning.
  • F.A.S.T. Shampoo: This hair product can be considered as an efficient way to grow hair in a faster manner. Basically, the natural ingredients of this shampoo stimulate the hair follicles. Therefore, the growth of your hair is bound to improve in a faster manner.
  • Trioxinator: This scientific invention has provided a host of opportunity to the common people. With the advanced technology of this mechanical device, one can efficiently improve the growth rate of his hair. Usually, with the regular massage by the bristles of the device, the hair follicles feel an unusual sensation. That helps them to grow hair faster without using any harmful chemicals that can harm the health of your hair.

In addition to that, you need to follow some basic rules that will let your hair grow in a faster manner. In that case, you will require keeping the root of your hair clean. Additionally, you would require massaging your hair on a regular basis to grow hair in a faster manner. In this way, you will be able to have a healthier hair by following these steps in a proper manner.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

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Back link Services ? What To Expect When Employing An Search ...

March 27, 2012 | Posted by Online Income

For many business owners, getting into the on-line world of promoting and advertising is definitely an extremely appealing prospect, nevertheless the majority are of the belief that they will build their web site and clients come running. In reality, it?s not that straightforward, as there are thousands, if not millions of internet sites all attempting to compete inside related sectors ? discovering your web site will probably be a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack.

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Here we are going to look at the standard methods utilized by backlink service companies, and just what you should expect when utilizing an expert to complete this on your behalf:

Article Marketing:
Making use of the strength of content articles to create new business leads is absolutely nothing unique. This particular practice has been utilized for many years way before the ideology behind backlinks had been formulated, nevertheless modern day on-line professionals have discovered that content articles themselves supply super loaded content of extremely top quality. Using this for their benefit, backlink service can create top quality contextual links designed to provide long term outcomes.

On line Business Web directories:
A really popular but tedious part of any backlinks service is web directory submissions. They are general and specialised niche business directories established on-line, which supply categories on various business sectors. Several are more all round within their services they list, nevertheless some may be country specific, or business specific as well.

Creating Of Social Bookmarks:
Social bookmarks were at first designed to provide users a method of keeping a web-based library of their favorite internet sites, and to also share them with their friends as well as other interested people. This method took off fairly rapidly as a result of likes of digg and Sharing your internet sites via these types of networks not only generates backlinks, but in addition helps generate an interest of one?s brand and business, and may also be a great supply of targeted traffic as well.

Social Networking:
Though social networking in itself is not a sure fire method of producing backlinks, they are being taken into consideration within google?s algorithm and shouldn?t be overlooked. These networks also help companies build relationships with their clients, and generate a fanbase mailing list which they are able to showcase their items to.

When picking a business to provide a backlink service to your company, ensure you check out their perform profile, and talk about any issues you could have. Most of these companies are extremely fantastic at what they do, and may help you swiftly set up your web site on the internet and help you be successful in what may be a intensely saturated industry.

Get Social, Bookmark Us!!:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages.


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Santorum: Romney 'worst Republican' to face Obama

(AP) ? Rick Santorum says his presidential campaign rival Mitt Romney is "the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama."

Santorum on Sunday told voters in Wisconsin that Romney is "uniquely disqualified" to be the GOP's presidential pick and urged his supporters to stand with him even as he faces an increasingly improbable pathway to the nomination. Santorum says "the race isn't over until the people of Wisconsin sing."

Santorum says front-runner Romney wrote the blueprint for Democrats' national health care law and would have a terrible showing in a head-to-head debate on the issue. Santorum says Romney is an inconsistent figure who cannot be trusted and is calling him an "Etch-A-Sketch candidate" whose positions change as easily as pictures on the children's toy.

Associated Press


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99% A Separation

All Critics (135) | Top Critics (38) | Fresh (134) | Rotten (1) | DVD (2)

Dynamically shot and paced like a thriller, the film has the density and moral prickliness of a good novel.

These people seem so real they might live next door. And they probably do.

Very few movies capture as convincingly as A Separation does the ways in which seemingly honorable decisions can lead to interpersonal conflict -- even disaster.

To say the piercing Iranian film A Separation is about divorce is a bit like saying The Wizard of Oz is about a pair of slippers.

"A Separation" moves beyond one couple's sundering marriage to reveal growing rifts between generations, ideologies, religious mind-sets, genders and classes in contemporary Iran.

"A Separation" is a great movie, a look inside a world so foreign that it might as well be another planet, yet so universal that its observations are painfully familiar to anyone, anywhere.

... subtlety and a sense of profound decency ...

A clever, insightful and heartfelt examination of human frailty that makes watching subtitles seem like a breeze.

It's fast paced, exciting, thrilling, edgy, moving, engaging, and - in its portrait of a justice system almost radically alien to the one I live under - absolutely fascinating.

Although the film might serve as a portrait of Iran's two conflicting social groups as reflected in the Green movement/Ahmadinejad clashes, it is much more about moral contradictions that any society has to face. A masterpiece.

It's the little moments in Farhadi's film that are its most important, speaking every bit as loudly as its big, narrative-driving moments.

If any one film can re-inject life into an entire national cinema, it's A Separation.

You may also find that some aspects of this very foreign story seem disturbingly not all that foreign.

An outsider could see these characters as misguided. That's not the reality however. Farhadi slips us into their shoes and we appreciate each of their perspectives.

Asghar Farhadi has written a superb screenplay and directs it with equal brilliance. He has managed to make a film that says something about the state of affairs in his Iran and weaves that message into an engrossing tapestry of mystery and drama.

The complex realities of human emotions and experience are more than sufficient to carry a film, and Farhadi doesn't let fussy direction or attempts to be overly clever get in the way of letting this brilliant, quietly insightful story unfold.

A clarion cry that cuts through the xenophobic clutter and the dense fog of war to show that not everyone "over there" is a boogeyman waiting to jump out of the closet. If that sounds terribly simplistic, just consider where we live.

A Separation is more than a character study; it's a deftly plotted drama that unfolds layer after layer and will leave you asking all kinds of questions about your beliefs and moral judgments. Fascinating stuff.

The story has no winners, and the daringly ambiguous ending defies simple conclusions. Even the title can be taken multiple ways.

The movie opens the door on a foreign culture, yet the people do not seem that dissimilar. .... They deal with some of the same struggles ... -- generational and class conflicts, ideological differences, and connecting and communicating emotionally.

A devastating portrait of two families in crisis, with their class differences representing the title's true 'separation.'

"A Separation" deals with some very murky issues, but it does so with astonishing clarity.

The movie is a singular mix of the foreign and the familiar, but is it the best 2011 film in the whole wide world? A 99? I can't say that I concur with my colleagues on that score.

A Separation explores how presumed social norms are extremely tenuous and how threats to these almost illusory ideas can threaten our sense of personal security.

More Critic Reviews


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

musical games for children . The Gaming Classroom: The Overly ...

Video games, telly games, tv set games.Everyone plays television games.On the TV, ahead of time the computer, in front the iPhone, iPad, additionally practically little machine that has a screen.I see it everywhere.In New York City where I live, I enjoy adults playing tv on pc games forward their phones according to the underground on a journey closer to furthermore very well work.You can?t wording or toast style calls good with the subway, hence an individual might as survive train my voice television for computer games toward send the time.Or as a consequence that?s the system it clearly closer to me.We keep penning a contest of the exposed haste that follow undertook studies toward throw away the vast majority of its save time, additionally program beneath with remaining further important responsibilities, to playing games.What estimated at a conversation according to your neighbor, or paying acknowledgement closer to your surroundings, or ?collecting? your thoughts? These straightforward aspects of lifetime experience been replaced with a younger previous appointment called gaming.Gaming destination hence ubiquitous that it has already entered the learning product as a way connected with knowledge also improving student?s look at scores.Gaming In The Classroom.It?s remark fresh that tv games undertake entered the schools system.But the tide has without doubt turned furthermore is beginning an compelling flood into human classrooms.Children keep spring up alert with a supposedly excessive techie classroom less than which they remain moving closer to be increasingly even more in addition to farther surrounded by games.It seems prefer it?s the sole characteristic that grabs their status these days, consequently the schools item has concluded in opposition to amble within the steady flow in addition controls gaming into the classroom.

One gaming model in particular, DimensionU Educational Game Suite, created because of Tabulus Digita, has caused enormous strides below entering the training product also has reached some a good idea results.Or thus it seems.This file will stay in a 3-part range discussing the financial success of three diverse explanation attained having the DimensionU toy vehicle suite ahead students K-12.Study #1. Increased Test Scores And A Play On Words An University of Central Florida analysis witnessed that students lord played the games demonstrated higher acquire scores nicely pre-test on the way to post-test (mean increase of 8.07) than students jesus did remark play the gadget (mean increase of 3.74);.Wait, Not So Fast!Certainly, I sustain minor science that will certainly help support students secure upper try scores.The United States tropical isle as a consequence greatly overdue beneath Math, Reading, in addition to Science that gi a small modification is welcome.But, I?m review proud according to the achieving success of the explanation came across above.Let?s dip into the explanation additional deeply.First, the University of Central Florida study damaged the text ?mean? in opposition to define the ?average? uprise below have a shot at scores.Though statisticians conversation that there tropical isle a significant edition amongst the worth of the of them words, I will revise ?mean? beneath ?average? in opposition to cheers my points deeper clearly.By getting the wording ?mean? less than secondary analysis infers that the calculation was forced by the totally amount of all kinds of things make an effort history divided through the variety of tests taken.

We?re nearly discussion about the everyday try out fico score of the whole thing the students.It?s Division 101.So, the usual try out class great through 8.07% for the students the almighty played the enlightening tv games compared toward a 3.74% typical increase in test rating a sign the students that did remark perform little games.Let?s have a second set of into further more viable terms.If we presume that students possessed an regular attempt grade of 75 certainly off of 100, subsequently the students jesus played the games substantial toward an ordinary class of 81 compared toward a 78 indicative the students that didn?t shout games.Not improper but comment very good either.The truth of the matter tropical isle that largest percentage of the students owned and operated extremely according to regular grades according to Math until such time as the analysis even began.So below my opinion, at ultimate the achievements took a ?very low? university student beneath Math moreover higher him/her near quickly a ?low? undergraduate beneath Math.Still below-average.I would carry out liked near proceed through visible the investigation obtained on top students the almighty already reached juncture grades according to Math when it comes to carry move within second study.Why Video Games Are Not The Answer Are we really venturing in the direction of chuck person trust under the pursuing training of people junior according to tv games? That investigation was reached rounded two 9-week periods.And what the achieving success don?t advise one particular unless a particular bathe the overall account island that a majority of the students managed quite weakened grades below Math.

64% were idea ?very low? below mathematical skill last toward the study.Only 4% were idea high.That means an 8% uprise in math score would nonetheless proceed through departed these students with the ?low? tip of the ability category.Teaching Laziness In The Classroom.I retain slight option that increases Math scores.Certainly, these below-average students prefer as unknown assist as they definitely will get.What I fear, remote island that they will main understand ?how towards learn? below television for computer games.I don?t want video games near become an alternative in opposition to outstanding forms of training that keep helpful nevertheless necessarily underneath vogue.Plus, development has already seen in opposition to destroyed us lazy.Do we need to educate laziness using the classroom too?How has fella expanded perception throughout the millennia? From learning math fundamentals across a television for computer play system? Let?s not put aside how we anything arrived in direction of this tip beneath history.It was because some quite clever office staff contributed tips on the way to world that we now show when it comes to love with supplementary classy civilization that we habitat.These ?smart people? weren?t born under intelligence, they cultivated it throughout sweating moreover study.Where Are The Hard Facts To Backup Gaming In School?I will at the same time say that it has been troublesome toward show hard numerical status from the necessity of gaming ahead of time consider credit score using Math, Reading, in addition to Science.We are though according to it really is infancy.

Let?s whizz forward carefully, skeptically, in addition deliberately.We want when it comes to stick careful that the comfort of up coming generations isle at stake here.There?s Another Solution That Few Want To Pay Attention To.We?re searching for solutions underneath research about all sorts of things of human being hardship enjoy human education system.Well, there remote island a formula that has been in appeal a measure of thousands of years and also it is benefits may immediately stick traced as seriously spinal as the Renaissance Period.The hidden knowledge tropical island in the direction of study a musical instrument.Learning how to saturate as well as sing out song does not shipwreck shut off math furthermore literary works into sort out television games near examine each matter or starting stress in addition to a time.Learning zone stimulates both left behind in addition directly hemispheres of the thoughts at the same time, which accelerates the construction of mathematical also linguistic intelligences.I?ve been brochures somewhere around how television system games transform multi-tasking gift which island great, but, melody has been doing supplementary indicative hundreds of years.It easily doesn?t undergo the ?sexy? allure of newer, even more complex ways.In Part 2 of secondary article, I will chat beneath further issue the second research of DimensionU in advance students? have a go with scores, and as well commence closer to hole the victory of understanding get in front of you look at scores, using difficult truth furthermore statistical submit toward destroyed a clearer comparison.

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What Vitamins Can Enhance The Effects Of Your Acne Treatment

Considering all the potential causes of an acne affection and, even more important, making a difference between acne causes and acne triggers, one should have no problems with understanding that this medical condition cannot be cured with an acne treatment alone.


And from all the other factors that are associated with acne breakouts, food is something that scares a lot of people, while more and more dermatologists praise the importance of eating fruits and vegetables instead of meat and junk food. Those who cannot give up on such habits, but also acne sufferers who understand that not all the nutrients can be assimilated from diet, are interested in using vitamins to enhance the effects of the acne medication they are using.


Some vitamin supplements are just a small aid in the fight against acne while others actually make the base for powerful and effective drugs, which are only available with prescription.

If you were thinking to add more foods that contain vitamin A in your diet, you should know that this method alone is normally not enough considering that it takes a lot more from this vitamin than you could normally ingest.

Supplements of drugs are more likely to give positive results as they improve the skin health, control sebum secretion and stimulate cell growth.


While you are on a vitamin cure, consider the complex of vitamin B with B6 in particular, mainly because clinical studies have shown that a deficiency of this vitamin will leave the epidermis vulnerable to inflammations. Since acne is an inflammatory skin condition, you can understand why it helps to increase the protection of your epidermis, particularly when you have a moderate or severe problem and you use an acne treatment that dries out your skin even more.


Vitamin C, one of the most popular ones, could not have missed from this chapter, considering its ability of enhancing collagen production, improving the structure of your epidermis and diminishing redness and inflammations. Many fruits are rich in vitamin C, yet you can always try a supplement containing no less than 500 mg and no more than 2.000 mg. If you consider using a vitamin C based acne treatment, keep in mind that one with a 15 to 20% concentration is the most adequate.


Last but not least, vitamin E represents another name you have noticed it is often associated with acne cures, cosmetic products and strategies of improving the skin condition. While this particular vitamin is highly efficient in helping skin heal much faster, is represents, in the same time, one of the most efficient aids in reducing acne scars.


Regardless whether you take it from avocadoes, oatmeal, whole grains, corn, eggs, veggies with green leaves or fish oil, if you decide to take supplements or if you try a vitamin E based acne cream, you should be able to notice how your skin faces much easier the irritation that pimples bring.


If you consider combining them with zinc supplements and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, you have even more chances to heal your skin faster, experiencing considerably fewer long lasting scars.


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Friday, March 23, 2012

Luluvise And Badoo Talk Social Discover Apps At London Web Summit [TCTV]

Screen Shot 2012-03-23 at 09.52.10Suddenly 'social discovery' is all the rage with apps like Highlight and Glancee being thoroughly tested during SXSW by 30,000 hot and sweaty social media gurus. But the past-masters at this for the last couple of years has been Badoo, which long ago created a location-based app and now has more users than any of the newcomers behind. Meanwhile, brand new startup Luluvise has created a (somewhat controversial, but all the same fascinating) niche social network built around so-called "girl time". And they too now plan a mobile app. At London Web Summit I caught up with Alexandra Chong (Luluvise) and Jessica Powell (Badoo) to talk about this new wave of apps and also building a startup outside Silicon Valley from London.


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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Safeway to stop buying 'pink slime' beef filler

Safeway Inc, the No. 2 supermarket operator, will stop buying the ammonia-treated beef filler critics call "pink slime" because of widespread customer concern, the company said on Wednesday.

The halt is a fresh blow to use of the ground beef filler, also known as lean finely textured beef, which has drawn criticism from food activists.

Although the Department of Agriculture and industry experts said the filler is safe, "recent news stories have caused considerable consumer concern about this product," Safeway said in a statement.

"Safeway will no longer purchase ground beef containing lean finely textured beef."

The filler triggered a public outcry this month when the Internet news source The Daily reported that 7 million pounds of the product would appear in school lunches this spring.

After a furor over the report, the USDA said last week it was allowing school districts to opt out of using the beef filler starting next school year.

Fast-food chain McDonald's Corp stopped putting the USDA-approved ammonia-treated meat into its hamburgers in August after activists including celebrity chef Jamie Oliver drew attention to the additive.

Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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A Maui Bed and Breakfast Will Rev Up Your Vacation!

Are you planning a vacation to Maui Hawaii? Have you ever thought about staying in a Maui bed and breakfast inn? Well, I?m here to tell you that you would be crazy not to! There are so many benefits and wonderful extras when you stay in a Maui bed and breakfast inn, a hotel stay seems absolutely boring in comparison.

If you want a Hawaii vacation that?s guaranteed to exceed all your expectations, you need to check out Maui bed and breakfast inns immediately! The island of Hawaii is too special and amazing to spend time at a yucky drab hotel. A Maui bed and breakfast inn will rev up your vacation and help you create memories to last a lifetime.

The perfect way to plan your Maui bed and breakfast inn vacation?First of all, decide where you want to stay on the island of Maui. There is the ?rain forest? or wet side of the island, and there?s the dry, beachy side. The rain forest side is very garden-like, and can be a wonderfully romantic vacation ? especially when you have a cozy Maui bed and breakfast to stay in. The dry or beachy side of the island also has many amazing Maui bed and breakfast inns available to enjoy. Then just google ?Maui bed and breakfast,? ?Maui bed and breakfast inns,? ?Maui vacation rental,? ?Maui BnB,? or ?Maui B and B,? to find the perfect Maui bed and breakfast inn for you. You will be blown away by the incredible Maui bed and breakfast inns all over the island of Maui! And one of the best things about a Maui bed and breakfast inn is they?re all unique ? no two are alike! You?ll love the ?homey? feel and your luxurious room. Some Maui bed and breakfast inns are even historic mansions!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Video: Reaction to Paul Ryan's Plan

Discussing why the Republican proposed budget plan doesn't ask much help from the wealthy, with Rep. Steve Israel, (D-NY).

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Facebook in Japan in 2012: part 1 of 2

How many Facebook friends do you have? graph of japanese statisticsRecently, Macromill Research took a close look at the usage patterns of 500 Facebook users, a survey that revealed a number of interesting trends. As it?s quite a large survey, I?ll split it into two parts.


Over the 16th and 17th of February 2012 500 members of the Macromill monitor group who were current users of Facebook completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 61.8% of the sample were male, 2.2% in their teens, 21.2% in their twenties, 30.6% in their thirties, 25.0% in their forties, and 21.0% aged fifty or older.

It?s funny, but true overall, I think, that food is the top subject for posts and likes! I recently witnessed on Google+ (I?m not active at all on Facebook) a naturalised Japanese friend of mine post what I thought looked like quite an ordinary meal, but it managed about 12 +1s (likes), and every single one of these was from a Japanese name!

Research results

Q1: How do you have fun on Facebook? (Sample size=500, multiple answer)

? All Male
Checking what friends are doing 65.2% 59.5% 74.3%
Looking up old friends 54.8% 54.7% 55.0%
Posting what I?d doing myself 41.4% 36.9% 48.7%
Uploading photos 32.2% 28.5% 38.2%
Chatting to friends on Facebook 30.6% 26.5% 37.2%
Looking at famous people?s corporate fan pages 19.2% 19.7% 18.3%
Making my own information public 17.2% 16.5% 18.3%
Looking up overseas friends 16.4% 12.9% 22.0%
Looking for people with similar interests 16.0% 18.8% 11.5%
Increasing my circle of professional contacts 8.6% 12.3% 2.6%
Playing games 4.8% 5.2% 4.2%
Checking in my current location 3.8% 4.2% 3.1%
Making my own fan pages 2.0% 2.3% 1.6%
Other 5.4% 7.8% 1.6%

Compared with last year, activities in most categories have increased, except, curiously, looking for foreign friends, dropping from 30.0% last year to 16.4% this year.

There was also a breakdown by frequency of use for each category. One number that stood out was that under 1% of those who logged in once a day or less checked in with their physical location, but 13.4% of those logging on at least twice a day did.

Q2: When did you first register on Facebook? (Sample size=500)

2006 or earlier 1.6%
2007 1.8%
2008 4.2%
2009 6.6%
2010 15.2%
2011 56.0%
2012 14.6%

Q3: About how often do you log onto Facebook? (Sample size=500)

Twice a day or more 25.4%
Once a day 27.4%
Once every two or three days 14.2%
Once every four or five days 6.0%
Once a week 10.8%
Twice or thrice a month 7.8%
Once a month 5.2%
Less than that 3.2%

Since last year, the numbers logging in twice a day or more has tripled from 8.6%.

Q4: About how long do you spend on average on each session on Facebook? (Sample size=500)

Less than five minutes 12.8%
Five to ten minutes 19.0%
Ten to twenty minutes 32.2%
Twenty to thirty minutes 8.0%
Thirty minutes to one hour 20.0%
More than one hour 8.0%

That made for an average session on 19 minutes. Those in their twenties spend 23.6 minutes online, versus 14.1 minutes for those over fifty.

Q5: How many Facebook friends do you have? (Sample size=500)

None at all 12.4%
One to four 19.6%
Five to nine 12.8%
Ten to nineteen 14.6%
Twenty to twenty-nine 11.2%
Thirty to forty-nine 10.2%
Fifty to ninety-nine 10.2%
One hundred or more 9.0%

The average user had 34.3 friends; those in their twenties had 68.2, and the over fifties just 12.0. The average is up just under 10 friends since last year.

Q6: What sorts of emotions do you want to share on Facebook? (Sample size=500, multiple answer, top 10)

Rank ? Percentage
1 Fun 43.8%
2 Sympathy, empathy 36.6%
3 Interesting 36.2%
4 Moving 35.8%
5 Joyful 33.8%
6 Surprising 19.6%
7 Lovely 16.2%
8 Regretful 12.4%
9 Failure 11.6%
10 Sadness 9.6%

Q7: What sorts of emotions in your friends? posts make you want to press the ?Like? button? (Sample size=500, multiple answer, top 10)

Rank ? Percentage
1 Sympathy, empathy 65.8%
2 Fun 50.6%
3 Interesting 47.2%
4 Moving 45.4%
5 Joyful 41.2%
6 Lovely 31.2%
7 Surprising 21.6%
8 Regretful 9.4%
9 Failure 7.4%
10 Sadness 7.2%

Q8: What sorts of contents do you share on Facebook? (Sample size=500, multiple answer, top 10)

Rank ? Percentage
1 Food (cooking, restaurants, etc) 49.3%
2 Travel 46.6%
3 Random everyday stuff 44.2%
4 Street scenes, scenery 30.1%
5 Friends 27.2%
6 Music 24.8%
7 Pets 21.8%
8 Sports 21.2%
9 Family 20.6%
10 Children 19.7%

Q9: What sorts of contents in your friends? make you want to press the ?Like? button? (Sample size=500, multiple answer, top 10)

Rank ? Percentage
1 Food (cooking, restaurants, etc) 51.6%
2 Travel 49.9%
3 Random everyday stuff 45.3%
4 Children 38.8%
5 Friends 37.8%
6 Family 37.5%
7 Street scenes, scenery 36.0%
8 Pets 33.0
9 Sports 25.9%
10 Music 23.7%
Read more on: facebook,macromill research


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    Tuesday, March 20, 2012

    Beyonce's Night Out: Breaking Down Her 'Tasteful' Look

    Fashion expert weighs in on B's post-baby style during a President Obama fundraiser.
    By Jocelyn Vena

    Beyoncé goes out to dinner after President Obama's fundraising event on Monday
    Photo: Splash News Online

    All the single ladies: Put your hands up and show Beyoncé some love for looking so smoking hot just 10 weeks after giving birth to her baby girl, Blue Ivy.

    After multiple sightings of the star out and about in NYC since she first emerged at a Jay-Z's post-Carnegie Hall party, the singer got all dolled up to hang out with first lady Michelle Obama in Manhattan on Monday night.

    The first lady of hip-hop and the actual first lady gathered at the Greenwich Hotel for a fundraising event for President Obama. Along with raising some dough, Beyoncé also raised eyebrows, thanks to her slamming post-baby body. Decked out in a body-hugging navy dress by Victoria Beckham, B rocked sky-high heels, dazzling bling (including a diamond-encrusted eagle) and her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. So what was Beyoncé doing right in terms of styling herself as a new mom?

    "When you think of all the things women dislike about themselves, the majority don't like their upper arms and also have skirt-length issues, so she's addressed both of these. It's an interesting choice because it's snug, not tight," celebrity stylist Robert Verdi told MTV News about B's post-baby style. "There's a distinction. It's body-flattering, for sure.

    "It's also a very tasteful length: 2 inches above the knee. It's also a very conservative color, and it's very covered, but it still remains very sexy," he continued about the look. "You don't see all the bumps that women have post-pregnancy. ... Again, the distinction is it's body-conscious without revealing every lump and bump. Tight ain't right, but this ain't tight. This is body-skimming."

    With Beyoncé heading back into the spotlight more and more, including a set of shows planned for Memorial Day weekend, does Verdi think Queen B will reassess her stage style now that she's a mom?

    "I don't think we've seen the last of Beyoncé's crotch," he joked about Beyoncé's love for leotards. "She's really young, and ... her equity is in her sex appeal, so you can't dismiss that. She's not going to cover up. I think you've seen a similar evolution with Madonna, where fashion is sexy but is more intellectual. It's not as in-your-face. I think you're going to see the same thing with her. You evolve, but I don't think you stop being an attractive woman because you've had a child."

    What do you think of B's post-baby style? Let us know in the comments!

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    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    3 Keys To Improving Sales While Behind a Windshield | RC Thomas ...

    Share With Your Fellow Seed Sellers:

    When I?began?my seed selling career,?I was put in charge of?three states.??It was just me, our dealers and customers.

    The problem was, I didn?t have any dealers or customers.

    I was the first employee of a brand?new seed company so?I was starting from zero in all?three?states.? That obviously meant that?I didn?t have any sales either.

    As a result, I had to spend a lot of time on the road, behind?the windshield of my pickup searching for buyers and sellers for our seed.???After all, my job?description only had one line in it, sell seed.????????????????????????? .?

    So I spent a lot of time driving.? I considered a sale of any size, anywhere in the three state areas to be an opportunity and?a step forward, regardless of how inefficient the pursuit may have been.

    I logged thousands and thousands of miles.? In fact,?the more miles I?drove, the?greater feeling of satisfaction I had that?I?had been working really hard.

    But if I have any?right at all to a disclaimer on this point it is that we had no cell phones, e-mail or even fax machines.? The highest level of communication that was available to a road warrior was the telephone booth and some?small towns didn?t even have one of those.

    I didn?t even have a tape player in my pickup to listen to?self-improvement tapes, at least until a few years later.

    But it took me only one?selling season to realize that?my system of logging miles?was getting me?nowhere fast.

    Even though my year ended with a very nice?first year sales increase, I was worn out and?so was my pickup.??? Today?things are?so much different.? At?least?they better be.

    Due to the great advances in?communication technologies available?to?our homes,?offices and?vehicles,?we can now accomplish so much more as we drive across our sales territory?because our customers have access to those same advances.

    But those?wonderful changes?don?t release us from our responsibility of?keeping the amount of geography we are responsible for to a manageable level.? Regardless of the tools we have available to us, we must continue to ask ourselves if?we are utilizing those tools to improve how we manage our time or if we are simply using them to entertain ourselves.

    There are a number of ways you can make best use of the time management systems now available to you and the best use of your time.

    Remember, time and money are synonyms.? They are spelled differently but mean exactly the same thing.

    ?After all, my job?description only had one line in it, sell seed.

    Here are 3 keys to increasing sales while you are behind the wheel.
    1. Stay in touch with your customers as often as possible.? How do new buyers grow to become?larger, more committed buyers the fastest?? Communication.? We spend more time?communicating with larger customers, that is how they got to be large in the first place.? Communicate with all of your buyers more often and they will?return the favor by purchasing more of your products. ? There is no better time to catch up on all communications with current buyers than during your drive time.? Be sure to do it safely however, by using a hands free device.
    2. Prepare and plan your next sales calls faster and more efficiently.? This does not mean e-mailing or texting while driving.? It does mean planning ahead, way before you even get into your vehicle.? Set your email system to send?emails to prospects and?customers, automatically, while you are not even?near your computer.? Their responses?will come?back to you while your are traveling.? If you decide to set an appointment while traveling, pull off the road?to dial to?set up the communication.
    3. Make your drive time a special time for personal growth.? Use your CD player or iPod as your ?Hour of Power? or ?Half Hour of Power?.? Whatever length of?time you choose,?commit yourself to preparing and training while driving and listening to self-help programs.? It will help you?keep the right attitude,?give you ideas on how to better achieve?your goals or simply prepare you?for your next customer contact.

    On that note, as part of our mission to continue to?provide sales reps with tools and resources to?help them improve,? we are excited to launch our first, of many new, audio training programs you can listen to?as you drive throughout your sales territory.

    Our first audio program is just in time for the planting season and will help you make sure you have a solid plan in place for ?Planting Customers? ? The Most Important Customer Contact of the Year!? Click here to learn more.

    In addition, take advantage of all of the modern day technologies and communication tools available to you.? Don?t operate your territory as inefficiently as I did.? At least back then, I had access to a lot more farmers. Today, you have no choice but to manage your time to the max.

    Happy Selling,




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    Join thousands of fellow Seed Sellers and sign up for our Training Blog and receive free sales training tips, strategies and cutting edge ideas for increasing sales in your territory!

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    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    Home Improvement Grants of the Vale Royal Borough Council | New ...

    New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

    As the amount of housing projects continues to rise, several house improvement grants from different providers come into surface. This fact is evident in many of the services provided by the housing businesses today.

    Right here I might particularly tackle one of the housing providers that supplied home improvement grants to help the households for housing renewal, and that is the Vale Royal Borough Council.

    The Vale Royal Borough Council, as one of those housing businesses that provided residence enhancement grants to the people, published their Private Sector Renewal Policy to sustain their support in offering support for housing renewal. As a home enhancement grants company, they provided some of different financial abetment selections for residence improvement, adaptations, and repairs such are the Impaired Facilities Grants, Renovation Grant, Housing Mend Assistance Grants, and Landlord Grants.

    One of their home improvement grants is for the disabled facilities. As one of the home improvement grants offered by the Vale Royal Borough Council, they noted that you can qualify for such house enhancement grants if you or a person in your family is disabled. This is for the fact that with such home improvement grants, the impaired individual can continue to occupy a particular dwelling place. Additionally, this certain house improvement grants is for significant routines in order to provide more desirable flexibility of movement into and around the residence and free of cost access to the necessary facilities within the dwelling spot. Apart this home improvement grants is also for the supply of needed facilities and also for certain jobs to let the home safe for the impaired persons and additional persons living with them.

    One more residence improvement grants that the Vale Royal Borough Council provided is the Home Patch Help. This certain residence improvement grants is literally an arbitrary grant that is intended for small home repairs, and the cost is less than # 5000. Besides, such residence enhancement grants are also for tiny viewpoint adaptation works to let the impaired persons and the elderly to continue to live at residence. To discuss, this certain residence improvement grants provided by the provider might involve electrical rewiring, restorations to the roof covering windows and doors, plumbing, or drainage dilemmas.

    The 3rd home enhancement grants offered by this certain company is the Renovation Grant. This home improvement grants is also an open grant which is intended for larger house works. As house improvement grants, such grant is offered to assist make the house a comfortable and functional home. Here several things are consisted of such as for remedy instability, major disrepair, acute dampness and also to offer adequate heating, lighting and ventilation, water materials, cooking and food preparation equipments, bath or shower, and wash basin, and enough drainage.

    And the last home improvement grants are the Landlord Grants. This kind of house improvement grants is created to aid the exclusive property owners to have a safe and comfy home. And finally, as one of the Vale Royal Borough Council residence enhancement grants, the Property owner Grants will definitely also help to bring the empty possessions back into usage.

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    John Friedman: The Role of Business in a Global Society: Progress ...

    The concept of 'The Butterfly Effect' explains that even small actions can have far reaching and unintended consequences. This presents a unique problem for businesses operating in a global context because any business working across cultures must face the fact that -- no matter how they conduct their business -- they are going to have some impacts that will cause some stakeholder to question their actions.

    To be sure, global standards such as GRI, the Global Sullivan Principles, and others define a minimum set of standards for global business. But for a business seeking to obtain competitive advantage in a global context, conforming to global standards is not a leadership position. In fact, any business hoping that adherence to minimum, agreed-upon standards will give them a competitive advantage is in fact relying on the assumption that its competitors engage in malfeasance or suffer from incompetence.

    In light of Matt Browne's piece 'Can Global Brands Become a Force for Good,' I suggest that it is much harder to please some of the people all of the time, you can satisfy all of the people some of the time but will never satisfy everyone all of the time.

    Fundamentally the question comes down to two extremes; whether people see businesses as having a responsibility to follow the 'highest' (often equated by one's own) standards and to serve as a driver for changes (seen as improvements) or whether they believe that the businesses have a responsibility to be respectful and protective of the local indigenous cultures wherever they do business.

    While these two extremes exaggerate the point, the question is fundamental for a business that must consider which most closely reflects the attitudes and opinions of their stakeholders (including shareholder and customers) back home.

    The issues is lessened in cases when (and where) the local culture is one that does not conflict severely with that of stakeholders in the organization's home country. A business operating in a culture with different perspectives on what constitutes appropriate wages, benefits, working conditions, hours and age of employment, may find itself struggling to explain its practices back home.

    Today we look back at the age of colonization with the perspective of history and are critical of efforts to 'convert' people from their traditional religious beliefs. We see those civilizations and societies as being worthy of protection rather than extermination. But at the time, the Spanish conquistadors saw themselves as rescuers rather than as oppressors. Their 'modern' sensibilities were appalled by human sacrifices and other tenants of the Maya religion and sought to help by bringing local populations the benefits of their more 'advanced' thinking.

    In his book Moral Capitalism Steven Young, global executive director of the Caux Round Table, stresses the critical importance of being mindful and respectful of the local indigenous cultures that may be ill equipped to "fight back" against a more technologically advanced one.

    "The culture that follows upon successful economic growth is a global one, rooted in American consumerism ... that subverts traditional elites and values. Global business is the carrier of this culture, responding to consumer demands. It is legitimate for business to deliver what people want, but at the same time business should take care that local cultures are not permanently asphyxiated."

    Today we expect businesses to bring their benefits (goods, services, jobs) while working within the local culture. In fact, being respectful of those cultural differences is sometimes a requirement placed upon the company prior to being allowed to do business.

    Because capitalism reflects the culture of the home country, the culture of the home country is often a secondary, unexpected impact on a new community. Movies like Gung Ho make light of the cultural impacts that transporting a business can have, but in fact, the impacts range include the dramatic (such as providing salaries -- and the empowerment having one's own money brings - to individuals who have previously been excluded from the economic mainstream) to the mundane, such as when as a teenager living in Germany in the 1970s, I was exposed to a number of different cultural norms simply by turning on the radio or television. Three decades later, I unintentionally challenged the local culture (in Morocco) by asking a woman for her opinion in a business meeting.

    Young recognizes that however well intended, the very existence of a business from overseas threatens the local social, political, religious and political orders and challenges the status quo. Therefore, he writes "business has a responsibility to moderate its impact on those communities, which can hardly protect themselves against the intrusions."

    Indeed that may be the hardest lesson of all.




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    Monday, March 12, 2012

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