Saturday, March 24, 2012

What Vitamins Can Enhance The Effects Of Your Acne Treatment

Considering all the potential causes of an acne affection and, even more important, making a difference between acne causes and acne triggers, one should have no problems with understanding that this medical condition cannot be cured with an acne treatment alone.


And from all the other factors that are associated with acne breakouts, food is something that scares a lot of people, while more and more dermatologists praise the importance of eating fruits and vegetables instead of meat and junk food. Those who cannot give up on such habits, but also acne sufferers who understand that not all the nutrients can be assimilated from diet, are interested in using vitamins to enhance the effects of the acne medication they are using.


Some vitamin supplements are just a small aid in the fight against acne while others actually make the base for powerful and effective drugs, which are only available with prescription.

If you were thinking to add more foods that contain vitamin A in your diet, you should know that this method alone is normally not enough considering that it takes a lot more from this vitamin than you could normally ingest.

Supplements of drugs are more likely to give positive results as they improve the skin health, control sebum secretion and stimulate cell growth.


While you are on a vitamin cure, consider the complex of vitamin B with B6 in particular, mainly because clinical studies have shown that a deficiency of this vitamin will leave the epidermis vulnerable to inflammations. Since acne is an inflammatory skin condition, you can understand why it helps to increase the protection of your epidermis, particularly when you have a moderate or severe problem and you use an acne treatment that dries out your skin even more.


Vitamin C, one of the most popular ones, could not have missed from this chapter, considering its ability of enhancing collagen production, improving the structure of your epidermis and diminishing redness and inflammations. Many fruits are rich in vitamin C, yet you can always try a supplement containing no less than 500 mg and no more than 2.000 mg. If you consider using a vitamin C based acne treatment, keep in mind that one with a 15 to 20% concentration is the most adequate.


Last but not least, vitamin E represents another name you have noticed it is often associated with acne cures, cosmetic products and strategies of improving the skin condition. While this particular vitamin is highly efficient in helping skin heal much faster, is represents, in the same time, one of the most efficient aids in reducing acne scars.


Regardless whether you take it from avocadoes, oatmeal, whole grains, corn, eggs, veggies with green leaves or fish oil, if you decide to take supplements or if you try a vitamin E based acne cream, you should be able to notice how your skin faces much easier the irritation that pimples bring.


If you consider combining them with zinc supplements and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, you have even more chances to heal your skin faster, experiencing considerably fewer long lasting scars.


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