Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Do To Win Your Case

By Angeline R. Murphy

Some individuals who have a safety policy for personal injury might not think of hiring a personal injury lawyer and will just wait for their insurance provider to take care of their lawsuit to get their claims. But it is vital that you remember that making claims involves legal documentations and it is perfect to let a seasoned professional manage this matter. Since the compensation you'll get from the company will be based on the seriousness of your injury, you require a good attorney to stand for you so that you can obtain the ideal amount for your claims immediately.

There are lots of instances in your life which might end you up in a severe injury and employing a lawyer would be the best option for your protection against delayed or unclaimed medical financial help.

1. Accidental injuries which cause long-term injury - In case you've experienced a risky situation that puts you in a serious injury causing damage to your appearance and temporary or long term mobility, hiring a legal professional is very important. The procedure for claiming help will take more time if you will not let an expert manage the case.

2. Serious physical injuries - Considering that the compensation which you can receive for your medical costs, emotional trauma or physical impairment will depend on the kind of injury you've experienced, it is vital to hire an attorney. He can aid you to obtain higher compensation as long as you can present the necessary documents he needs including bills from the medical facility and physician's note that states that it will take some time for you to get better.

3. Incidents as a consequence of medical negligence - This is when someone suffered severe or mild injury in the careless hands of medical practitioners, laboratory, hospital or treatment centers. In this situation you must undergo numerous procedures and complex legal matters that can only be managed by a legal personal injury lawyer.

4. Risky contact with poisonous products or components - If you're working in an enterprise and you are in contact with particular products that have poisonous components causing severe damages in your system, you need a lawyer. He'll be able to fight for your case so that you can claim your aid. The process may involve complex scientific research in order to prove that the merchandise is really poisonous and it did cause trouble in your system.

The characteristics of a great personal injury attorney

1. Intelligent - Any attorney must be smart enough to stand for your case in the courtroom. He or she must know his ways on how to handle the opponent's clever moves and win the court case. The legislation behind personal injuries involves intricate problems which require a smart brain.

2. Careful - This must also illustrate all the lawyers in general. Because the case for personal injuries requires real work, a great attorney is a person that can work carefully and take the lawsuit forward speedily and present legal proofs which will give positive results.

3. A great communicator - There are portions in the personal injury claim that can only be managed vocally. So, an excellent attorney must be a great speaker who can convince the jury and the court about the arguments he's trying to defend.

4. Knowledgeable about legal documents - Any personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale is educated enough in terms of legal records. Legal concerns including appeals, demands, pleadings and motions can only be dealt with documentation process which only a legal professional is allowed to handle. The correct legal professional must have expertise in all legal documentations which are involved in the case.

5. Experienced - For many people, top 10 injury lawyer fort Lauderdale with experiences in the field of personal injury laws and regulations can be viewed as dependable than others who have no clients and who are not able to manage any lawsuit.

To identify a good personal injury attorney, you have to find a good and legitimate law agency. You can go to sites online to check for these corporations. You may also visit their business office personally and assess the agency and the attorney's expertise, education as well as experience. Search for other services which the corporation may offer and how many years they've been providing these kinds of services. As a client you must also bear in mind that your co-operation to the attorney is an extremely important aspect that can aid win your lawsuit.


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Monday, October 15, 2012

The Five Elements

The Five Elements

Old folk-lore tales are passed down through generations. Stories your grandfather told you as bed time stories about far off lands and impossible tings. But what happens when old folk-lore becomes reality?


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These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss, consume

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I see you made this. Will post a character as soon as I can.

Quick edit: Also, may I reserve the fire spot?

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The Great Thundorz
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Can I reserve the water spot?

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Alrighty then, since fire was taken...I call water! I'll have a basic character sheet up in no time. :)


Okay then. Earth. MINE!!!!

I mean, come on...who doesn't love a...

Sexy elf?

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Real knowledge
is to know the extent
of one's ignorance.

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Lol, no, nothing with you, Thundorz. But Nightfall and I posted at like, the same time claiming Water, but Nightfall's came up first, so I figured I'd need to change it XD

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Does anybody know what the element spirit means? I was thinking death, but then it said that spirit people didn't have physical powers but mental ones. What do you think that means?

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By the 'no anime' picture, does he mean he wants real photos or art pictures that aren't anime?

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Hm...I don't know. As long as it isn't anime it might be could PM the GM.

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I don't know if the friend roles are limited, but just in case, I would like to reserve a friend role please. I'll have the character in sometime tomorrow because it's way past my curfew.

The outside picture.
Bright eyes, warm smiles, and familiar embracements.
We are beautiful.

The Inside picture.
Downcast eyes, slumped shoulders, and hazardous souls.
We do not exist.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Prop. 33: Insurance discount measure stirs controversy | insurance ...

For a decade now, Mercury Insurance founder George Joseph has been trying to get one big change made to California's landmark insurance law: a discount for customers who switch auto insurance carriers.

Gov. Gray Davis vetoed a Mercury-backed bill in 2002. The voters rejected Mercury-backed Proposition 17 in June 2010 by 4 percentage points.

Now Joseph has returned with Proposition 33, which would allow discounts for people who switch carriers without a lapse in coverage in the previous five years.

Funded almost entirely by Joseph, who has put up $16.4 million so far, the initiative's supporters say it would be a boon to consumers. They would enjoy lower rates and brisker competition.

Consumer groups opposing Prop. 33 say it would lead to higher premiums for some consumers. The initiative would be particularly bad for new drivers and those just returning to the auto insurance market after years away.

Carmen Balber of Consumer Watchdog, a leading opponent, said that in states such as Florida where such discounts are legal, surcharges on drivers who don't qualify reach as high as 103 percent. She conceded surcharges could not go that high in California because of state regulations, but suggested they could hit 40 percent for new drivers.

"Scare-mongering," answers Terry McHale, a spokesman for the Yes on 33 campaign. It can't happen here, and, in fact, it did not happen when insurers offered discounts to carrier-switchers between 1996 and 2002.

"Between '96 and 2002, we did not see these surcharges," McHale said. "We saw prices drop in the state of California."

In a 2002 report, the insurance commissioner concluded that the discounts did lead to surcharges against some customers. If one group paid less for insurance, another group had to pay more because they were sharing losses, and the losses did not change.

And, the report warned, the surcharges could drive up the number of uninsured motorists ? ultimately costing insured drivers more money.

The reason, according to the report, is that the surcharges would tend to hit hardest those who "can least afford to pay for insurance or who already have high premiums caused by other rating factors. This discourages them from buying insurance, which may add to the number of uninsured motorists and ultimately drives up the cost of the uninsured motorist coverage for every insured."

Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has not taken a position on the initiative. Department officials said that if the measure passes, insurers would have to justify changes to their rates.

Prop. 33 supporters have won over some opponents of Prop. 17 by making it easier to qualify for the discount despite a lapse in coverage. For example, while Prop. 17 excused a lapse in coverage for those in the military who were deployed overseas, Prop. 33 excuses anyone who was active in the military.

It also allows for a lapse in coverage for as long as 18 months in the previous five years because of a loss of employment from a layoff or furlough. Prop. 17 allowed a 90-day lapse.

Mercury is the fifth-largest seller of auto insurance in California behind State Farm, the Southern and Northern California branches of the Automobile Club and Allstate. The other major insurers are all sitting out this campaign.

Explaining market leader State Farm's neutrality, spokesman Eddie Martinez said, "We believe in our own loyalty discount program, which provides our customers with an incentive to continuously maintain coverage."

The opposition is badly outgunned. So far the No on 33 campaign has raised about $95,000, mostly from consumer groups.

Contact the writer: 714-796-5030 or


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Greenhouse gas emissions mapped to building, street level for U.S. cities

ScienceDaily (Oct. 9, 2012) ? Arizona State University researchers have developed a new software system capable of estimating greenhouse gas emissions across entire urban landscapes, all the way down to roads and individual buildings. Until now, scientists quantified carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions at a much broader level.

Dubbed "Hestia" after the Greek goddess of the hearth and home, researchers presented the new system in an article published Oct. 9 in Environmental Science and Technology. Hestia combines extensive public database "data-mining" with traffic simulation and building-by-building energy-consumption modeling. Its high-resolution maps clearly identify CO2 emission sources in a way that policymakers can utilize and the public can understand.

"Cities have had little information with which to guide reductions in greenhouse gas emissions -- and you can't reduce what you can't measure," said Kevin Gurney, an associate professor in ASU's School of Life Sciences, and senior scientist with the Global Institute of Sustainability. "With Hestia, we can provide cities with a complete, three-dimensional picture of where, when and how carbon dioxide emissions are occurring."

The research team collected data from a wide variety of sources such as local air pollution reports, traffic counts, and tax assessor parcel information. The data is then combined within a modeling system for quantifying CO2 emissions at the level of individual buildings and street segments.

So far, scientists have applied Hestia to the city of Indianapolis, and work is ongoing for the cities of Los Angeles and Phoenix. They hope to ultimately map the CO2 emissions in all major cities across the United States, which accounts for nearly one-quarter of all global CO2 emissions. The Hestia research team believes this type of detailed emissions information will help determine what we as a society can do locally and globally about climate change.

"As a community, we must take a leadership role in sustaining our relationship with the environment," said ASU President Michael M. Crow. "This research, and its implications for global engagement regarding climate change, is an exciting step forward. Hestia gives us the next tool we need to help policymakers create effective greenhouse gas legislation."

"These results may also help overcome current barriers to the United States joining an international climate change treaty," agreed Gurney, Hestia's lead scientist. "Many countries are unwilling to sign a treaty when greenhouse gas emission reductions cannot be independently verified."

According to researchers, Hestia's increased detail and accuracy will help cities, and possibly even other nations, identify where an investment in energy and greenhouse gas savings would have the greatest impact.

"Leading in sustainability is not easy; however, as mayor, I am committed to doing so," Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton said. "Undoubtedly, Hestia will be a good tool to help us make more informed decisions as leaders in Phoenix and the Valley around issues of air quality, health and a sustainable future."

Although climate change presents society with tough challenges, Gurney believes this new system enables concrete, positive steps towards mitigating the problem.

"Hestia offers practical information we can use to identify the most cost-effective ways to reduce emissions and track progress over time," Gurney said. "Scientists have spent decades describing the seriousness of climate change. Now, we are offering practical information to help do something about it."

Purdue Showalter Trust, Knauf Insulation, and the National Institute for Standards and Technology funded the three-year Hestia project, which involved researchers Bedrich Benes and Michael Abdul-Massih from Purdue University's Department of Computer Graphics and Technology.

Hestia is part of a larger effort that combines information about emissions with ground and satellite-based measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. It is now part of the INFLUX experiment in Indianapolis and is expected to complement NASA's planned December 2013 launch of the Orbital Carbon Observatory satellite, which will measure the concentration of CO2 in Earth's atmosphere.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Arizona State University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Kevin R. Gurney, Igor Razlivanov, Yang Song, Yuyu Zhou, Bedrich Benes, Michel Abdul-Massih. Quantification of fossil fuel CO2 emissions at the building/street scale for a large US city. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012; : 120815073657007 DOI: 10.1021/es3011282

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Different Ways To Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken | Easy Recipes ...

rotisserie chicken

Rotisserie chicken is one of my favorite convenience foods.? Rotisserie chicken is very cheap ? I usually buy Rotisserie chicken for anywhere from $5 to $8 for the whole chicken.? Rotisserie chicken is very tasty, so it can make a perfect dinner, and you don?t have to cook!? If you get tired of eating Rotisserie chicken, there are many other ways to use it.? I have lots of different yummy recipes that use leftover chicken, so you?ll never get tired of it :)

#1 Way To Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken: Make A Chicken Salad

make a chicken salad frmo leftover rotisserie chicken

There are many kinds of yummy chicken salads that you can make with leftover rotisserie chicken.? The main ingredients for a chicken salad are chopped chicken, chopped egg and mayo.? You can make chicken salad with grapes, pickles or walnuts, you can make it chunky or smooth, or you can make curried chicken salad by adding the curry powder to the mayo.? You can eat the chicken salad as a main dish salad, or you can put it between two slices of bread to make a chicken salad sandwich.? Check out my page with different chicken salad recipes.

#2 Way To Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken: Make A Chicken Stir-Fry

chicken stir-fry from leftover chicken

Cut up the leftover chicken into chunks and stir-fry with rice or noodles.? Add your favorite vegetables and sauce, and you got yourself a warm and delicious chicken stir-fry dinner!? On the picture above, the stir-fry has chicken, broccoli, rice and soy sauce ? it is so easy to make and so yummy.? Check out my easy chicken broccoli stir-fry recipe.

#3 Way To Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken: Make Chicken Quesadillas

chicken quesadilla with leftover chicken

Chicken quesadillas take less than 5 minutes to make!? Just shred the leftover chicken and put it inside the flour tortilla along with the shredded cheese. Fold the tortilla in half and cook on the hot frying pan for 1 minute on each side.? You will get a hot tortilla, warm shredded chicken filling and oozing melted cheese!? See my easy chicken quesadillas recipe.

Making shredded chicken for quesadillas is super-easy when you have a food processor ? check out my tutorial on how to shred chicken in a food processor.

#4 Way To Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken: Make Shredded BBQ Chicken Sandwich

barbeque chicken sandwich from rotisserie leftovers

This shredded BBQ chicken will melt in your mouth! To make shredded BBQ chicken, just shred the leftover Rotisserie chicken in the food processor, mix with the bottled barbeque sauce (I love Sweet Baby Ray?s BBQ sauce), heat it up in the microwave and put on a sandwich bun.? See my easy shredded BBQ chicken sandwich recipe.

#5 Way To Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken: Make Chicken Fajitas And Wraps

chicken fajitas with sliced leftover chicken

Chicken fajitas is another quick recipe that uses up the leftover chicken.? To make chicken fajitas, slice the leftover Rotisserie chicken and add it to the tortilla along with sliced onions and guacamole.? Wrap up the tortilla and eat up those chicken fajitas!? See my easy chicken fajitas recipe.? You can also make other kinds of wraps by adding chopped chicken with other ingredients and wrapping them inside the tortilla.

#6 Way To Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken: Make Chicken Fried Rice

chicken fried rice with leftover chicken

You don?t have to go to a Chinese restaurant to get yummy fried rice ? you can easily make it yourself!? To make chicken fried rice, chop the chicken in the small pieces and fry with cooked rice, egg, oil and soy sauce.? For detailed instructions on how to make chicken fried rice, check out my easy chicken fried rice recipe.

#7 Way To Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken: Add Chicken To The Green Salad

main dish salad with leftover chicken

Adding chicken to a green salad instantly transforms a side salad into a filling main dish!? Just slice up the leftover Rotisserie chicken, and put the chicken pieces on top of your salad, and you?ll have a healthy and tasty lunch.? For the salad on the picture above, see my easy main dish salad recipe with chicken and lettuce.

#8 Way To Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken: Make Chicken Shepherd?s Pie

using leftover chicken for shepherds pie

Shepherd?s pie is a great simple one-dish meal, and you can easily make it out of leftover Rotisserie chicken. To make the shepherd?s pie out of leftover chicken, put chopped chicken on the bottom of the baking dish.? Top with mashed potatoes, brush with egg and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes.? See my easy recipe how to make shepherd?s pie.

#9 Way To Use Leftover Rotisserie Chicken: Add Chicken To The Pasta Dish

pasta with shredded chicken, shiitaki mushrooms and zuchini

To make basic chicken pasta, cut up the leftover Rotisserie chicken and mix with cooked pasta and tomato sauce.? On the picture above, the pasta recipe has shredded chicken breast, mushrooms, zucchini, garlic and tomato sauce ? yum!? To get details on this yummy chicken pasta recipe, see easy chicken mushroom pasta recipe.


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David Cameron tells country more pain to come

BIRMINGHAM, England (Reuters) - Prime Minister David Cameron warned voters to brace for "painful decisions" on the economy on Wednesday but offered little new to alter a grim growth outlook which has derailed his efforts to cut the budget deficit.

In a speech to his Conservative party conference, Cameron admitted it was taking longer than planned to fix Britain's recession-hit economy and rein in public finances.

Cameron, insisting his coalition government would not waver from its austerity plan to erase the budget deficit, said failing to get on top of Britain's economic problems would leave it limping along a path to long-term decline.

The Conservatives, in coalition with the smaller Lib Dems, have fallen behind a resurgent opposition Labour in opinion polls. Analysts say Cameron faces an uphill slog to win an outright majority in the 2015 election.

The International Monetary Fund slashed its growth forecasts for Britain on Monday, casting a shadow over the Conservatives' annual conference where Cameron hoped to rally his party and convince voters his economic plans were the only way forward.

"Here's the truth," Cameron told an overflowing hall of Conservatives in the English city of Birmingham. "The damage was worse than we thought, and it's taking longer than we hoped."

"The world economy, especially in the euro zone, has been much weaker than expected in the past two years. When some of our big trading partners like Ireland, Spain and Italy are suffering, they buy less from us. That hurts our growth and makes it harder to pay off our debts."

Most economists expect the government to announce lower growth forecasts in December, which could play havoc with Cameron's deficit reduction plan and potentially force him to stretch out spending cuts well beyond the 2015 election.

Credit ratings agencies have given triple-A rated Britain the benefit of the doubt so far, largely because the government has stuck with strong rhetoric on its determination to cut the deficit, even as it has missed its targets.

"Unless we act, unless we take difficult, painful decisions, unless we show determination and imagination, Britain may not be in the future what it has been in the past," Cameron warned.

"Because the truth is this: we are in a global race today and that means an hour of reckoning for countries like ours. Sink or swim. Do or decline."


It has been a difficult year for Cameron, with critics in his party raising questions about his style of leadership and whether he has what it takes to win full control of Britain's parliament - something he failed to achieve in 2010.

A return to recession, missed austerity targets, speculation of a leadership coup, infighting over Europe and a scandal over his relationship with Rupert Murdoch's powerful media empire have all contributed to a severe case of mid-term blues.

Aides to the leadership admit the party is running out of road to turn things around before the 2015 election which is likely to decided on the state of the economy and which party is most trusted to fix Britain's deficit.

Labour leader Ed Miliband's surprise evolution into a more credible opponent has given Cameron - who has struggled to compete for attention this week with the party's effusive and popular London Mayor Boris Johnson - another headache.

Cameron took Labour's argument, for a softer pace of austerity to give the economy room to breathe, head on.

"The old powers are on the slide. What do the countries on the rise have in common? They are lean, fit, obsessed with enterprise, spending money on the future - on education, incredible infrastructure and technology," he said.

"And what do the countries on the slide have in common? They're fat, sclerotic, over-regulated, spending money on unaffordable welfare systems, huge pension bills, unreformed public services."

Aware of criticism the Conservative leader has struggled to communicate what he, and his government stands for, Cameron delved into his personal life - and the story of his late, disabled father - to explain his ideology.

"Work hard. Family comes first. But put back in to the community too," he said.

The Conservatives have spent this week warning voters to expect cuts across the board after 2015, drawing a dividing line with Labour by arguing for ambitious reductions in welfare - an area often portrayed as rife with scroungers and waste.

Labour and the Lib Dems want to see the wealthy do more to help Britain get on top of its deficit, currently running at about eight percent of national output.

"I'm not here to defend privilege, I'm here to spread it," the expensively-educated prime minister said.

Cameron sought to pacify a restive Conservative right wing on Britain's relationship with the European Union, an issue that has contributed to the downfall of the previous two Conservative premiers - John Major and Margaret Thatcher.

Promising a referendum on any new EU treaty that follows efforts to solve the euro zone debt crisis, Cameron has promised this week to use Britain's veto for a second time if EU leaders pushed for too big an increase in its budget.

Some Conservatives want an in/out EU referendum and for Britain to negotiate a new trade deal with Europe - its biggest trading partner. Cameron argues that Britain should stay part of the EU but has promised to claw back powers from Brussels.

(Additional reporting by Guy Faulconbridge; editing by Patrick Graham)


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Auction 40221800 27005 FAIRWAY LN VALENCIA 91381 CA CND 1659 3 3.00 10/25/2012 $330,165.00 $351,009.00

Auction 37969325 29723 BYRON PL CASTAIC 91384 CA SFR 2817 4 3.00 11/02/2012 $423,469.00 $5,954.00

Auction 505307684 22814 11TH ST SANTA CLARITA 91321 CA MFR 1205 3 2.00 10/25/2012 $202,648.00 $350,532.00

Auction 487008 27800 PARKVALE DR SANTA CLARITA 91350 CA SFR 1650 4 2.00 10/25/2012 $327,336.00 $346,889.00

Auction 503149816 24158 TOSSANO DR SANTA CLARITA 91355 CA CND 1678 3 2.00 10/25/2012 $405,897.00 $633,522.00

Your New Foreclosures alert, 91601, found a match.

Stage Radar ID Street City Zip State Type Sq Ft Beds Baths Sale Date Est. Value Est. Bid

Preforeclosure 503254237 5513 CASE AVE NORTH HOLLYWOOD 91601 CA MFR 1773 5 3.00 01/31/2013 $315,768.00 $302,407.00

Auction 500558064 11331 EMELITA ST NORTH HOLLYWOOD 91601 CA SFR 1264 2 2.00 10/22/2012 $289,066.00 $430,631.00

Your New Foreclosures alert, Paris911?s Santa Clarita Bank Owned Real Estate Alert, found a match.

Stage Radar ID Street City Zip State Type Sq Ft Beds Baths Sale Date Est. Value Est. Bid

Bank Owned 513148156 19227 AVENUE OF THE OAKS B NEWHALL 91321 CA CND 864 2 2.00 10/09/2012 $104,614.00 $110,000.00

Bank Owned 520491376 18121 ERIK CT 314 CANYON COUNTRY 91387 CA CND 1085 2 2.00 10/09/2012 $159,036.00 $144,000.00

Bank Owned 23824538 27938 LASSEN ST CASTAIC 91384 CA SFR 1253 3 2.00 10/09/2012 $296,101.00 $348,681.13

Sold to 3rd 43868821 28020 EDDIE LN SANTA CLARITA 91350 CA SFR 3579 5 3.00 10/09/2012 $424,097.00 $370,000.00

Bank Owned 23805010 18820 VISTA DEL CANON E NEWHALL 91321 CA CND 809 2 1.00 10/09/2012 $149,741.00 $112,050.00

- Paris and Connor MacIvor chose REMAX of Santa Clarita back in the late 1990's. ?They soon founded their own Brand within the Number one real estate brand in real estate. ?Today, amongst their clientele they are known as "The Paris911 Team" of Realty Professionals. They write all of the articles contained on this Distressed real estate blog about Short Sale expert negotiation and Foreclosure Activity.


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Stealth Body Podcast 017 | Becomng Bulletproof With Tim Anderson ...

Tim AndersonIn this episode of the Podcast, you?ll learn about a very different way to train and ?bullet proof? your body by returning to fundamental movements.

You may be VERY surprised what these movements are and how they can elevate your training and performance.

In this interview, I got to speak to the author of the book ?Becoming Bulletproof,? Tim Anderson.

Tim is an RKC kettlebell instructor, Functional Movement Specialist, personal trainer, book author, and just a great guy.

This is a ground breaking training concept, not to be missed.

To subscribe to the show or drop a comment in iTunes, click here.


To find find out more about Tim, visit ?And, to get his book Becoming Bulletproof, click here.

Also, I mentioned a great workshop on the podcast that is coming to the South Florida area soon. ?I am not associated with this workshop in any way, just simply passing along a great learning opportunity, if it?s right for you. ?To find out all the details of the workshop, click here.

Thanks for listening to this episode and hope you found the information valuable and applicable to your own training.

If you liked this, please do me a favor and share the episode with others!

Thanks and see you next time?


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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

SAfrica: Union accuses platinum producer of racism

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? The National Union of Mineworkers accused Anglo American Platinum Monday of "racism" as the impasse between striking miners and the world's top platinum producer escalated.

The NUM alleged that its leader in Rustenburg, the scene of a wildcat strike that brought Amplats' operations to a halt, was called derogatory names by the company's security officials at its Swartklip Union mine in Limpopo province. The official was racially abused Monday together with a journalist for the South African Broadcasting Corporation, the union charged in a statement.

The union's attempts to intercede on behalf of miners fired last week by Amplats had been thwarted, said NUM spokesman Lesiba Seshoka.

"It has become very clear that the company promotes racism through procuring security and other services from racists and their companies and that it has no intention to empower African people," Seshoka said. "The company has a week ago embarked on mass dismissals and was in the process of doing the same at Swartklip when the NUM leaders sought to intervene and speak to members only to be met with imported racism of a special type."

Mpumi Sithole, a spokeswoman for Amplats, declined to comment on this matter.

Amplats, a subsidiary of the London-listed Anglo Platinum, last week dismissed 12,000 striking miners for staging a wildcat strike and later failing to attend disciplinary hearings. The mineworkers have since threatened to make the mines ungovernable, saying it will be impossible for the company to hire new workers.

The miners are determined to fight for their jobs, said strike leader Evans Ramokga Monday.

About 80,000 miners, or 16 percent of South Africa's total mine workforce, are currently on strike across South Africa in work stoppages that have serious economic implications for South Africa. The labor unrest is damaging the country's reputation as an investment destination, say economists. South Africa produces 75 percent of the world's platinum and is the No. 4 chrome producer and the fifth-biggest gold producer.

There seems to be no end in sight to the turmoil, which originated in the platinum sector and has since spread to gold, coal and iron ore mines as well as to the road freight sector. Some 20,000 truckers demanding a 22 percent pay raise are currently staging a strike that threatens the supply of gas and groceries. The striking truckers now say they might intensify their campaign by inviting rail and port workers if employers do not meet their wage demands.


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Hands-on with the Sprint LG Optimus G

Sprint LG Optimus G.

The Sprint Optimus G in a nutshell: It's an LG Optimus G. On Sprint.

That's really about it. Sprint's iteration of LG's newest flagship is pretty much what we saw in the international version. It's got the same 4.7-inch WXGA IPS display (that's a lot of letters for "good"), same Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 pro quad-core processor. Same 13-megapixel camera that sticks out ever so slightly. Same cool "crystal reflection design" under the don't-call-it-glass backing.

And, yes, same non-removable battery, and no microSD card. (You do have 32GB of on-board storage, with a good chunk of that already used by the operating system.)

Otherwise, no real surprises here. LG's customizations are all intact. Sprint's apps are all tucked away in SprintZone, the way we like them.

Now all we need is some availability and pricing information. (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.)

We've got a few more pics and video after the break.

read more


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Bluetooth Low Energy ? What is it?

Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth 4.0, BLE, Bluetooth SMART) has made its way into the latest smart phones including the iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, and many Android devices. These devices that include BLE sensors have an increased transmission range (up to 160 feet) and last much longer than Bluetooth Classic, due to the low energy profile. These sensors connect faster, are easier to pair and have increased battery life when compared to Bluetooth Classic accessories.

Health and Fitness Sensors ? Turning Smartphones into Specialized Computers

Bluetooth SMART represents the future for connecting you and your phone to a multitude of health and fitness sensors that monitor your workout performance. Bluetooth Wireless Heart Rate Chest Straps can monitor your heart rate while Cadence and Speed Sensors monitor pedaling speed and overall MPH. Combining numerous sensors turns your Smartphones into a specialized bike computer. The integrated music player on Smartphones also let?s you listen to music while you workout ? a major advantage above other solitary sensors. Runners can also utilize foot pods to gather stride data, power data, and more. Your Smartphone has become a centralized location for gathering and keeping track of all essential workout data!

Health Tracking and Preventative Care Sensors

Diabetics will soon be able to track their blood sugar through BLE glucose monitors and check blood pressure via BLE Blood Pressure Sensors. Expect to see BLE weight scales and more health tracking sensors that focus on preventative care by regularly monitoring your body?s vitals. Daily monitoring of these statistics can help to give you immediate alerts when your body is at risk or in danger ? while providing you with suggestions on how to improve your health (eat more sugar, decrease sodium intake, etc.). This could be a major lifestyle influence and help prevent many adverse health conditions.

Centralized Data

Because Smartphones can connect to the Internet and transmit fitness and health data to a centralized cloud location, you can post your exercise times and data to Facebook or Twitter, or email your data to your physician. The Scosche RHYTHM Dashboard (works with an Armband Pulse Monitor, Heart Rate Chest Strap and Speed/Cadence Sensor) does just that. From the RHYTHM Dashboard (, workout data is now stored in a centralized location for reviewing, analyzing and sharing. Previously the act of sharing workout data was tedious and time consuming. BLE sensors paired with Smartphones help to make the interaction between people more fluid.

In the near future, BLE sensors will enhance the daily workout bringing Smartphones to whole new level. With their increased range, addition of functional devices, longer battery life, and quicker connection speeds we will start to wonder what we did before we had these amazing devices in our lives.

- Jon Ham, Scosche Industries Health and Fitness Consultant

Jon is a health and fitness expert and longtime personal trainer who contributes his experience to Scosche?s health and fitness category. Check out Jon?s blog (a great resource for starting an at-home workout regimen, workout tips and more) at


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International business news magazine, The Economist, reports that ...

President Ernest Bai Koroma ? The Economist says he is favourite to win in November

World renowned and top international business magazine, The Economist , has?reported?in its?Oct. 5th 2012 edition, that the incumbent in the coming November 2012 vote in Sierra Leone, President Ernest Bai Koroma, is?the?favourite to win?the?elections against all odds. In an article presumably written by Simon Akam, but bearing no author tag as usual when Akam is up to his mischief, the magazine highlighted the recent misleading reports by Africa Confidential and Al-Jazeera, about alleged corruption involving the country?s Vice President, but conceded that President Ernest Bai Koroma is indeed the favourite to win the all important November elections.

The Economist also went on to predict, as Newstime Africa recently revealed, that VP Sam Sumana is indeed the natural successor to President Ernest Bai Koroma when his two-term presidency concludes in 2017. In the report, there was no mention of the SLPP?Opposition?presidential candidate Julius Maada Bio?s chances of having any impact on the elections. It seems?the?International media has resigned from?the?prospect of looking forward to a regime change in?the?coming?elections despite hounding the current leadership with weekly barrage of scandal-based accusations of corruption at?the?heart of government.

Akam, who writes for Reuters, and whose reports are?disseminated?across?most?international?media houses, has in the past been accused of?colluding?with?diplomats?and rogue?opposition?elements to file misleading reports about the political and economic situation in the country. The reports mentioned by the Economist that appeared in both Al-Jazeera and Africa Confidential, all seem to have the footprints of Simon Akam. The British born Journalist has been accused of engaging in a personal vendetta, at the inspiration of others, to dish out garbage about the country?s leadership to the international media. But, The Economist?s revelation that it is indeed president Ernest Bai Koroma who is the favourite to win in November, soundly exposes the final acceptance by the international press that the opposition SLPP presidential candidate, Julius Maada Bio does not have the credibility to stand up to the character and?reputation?the incumbent Koroma has managed to build for himself in his first term as president of the republic of Sierra Leone.

? 2012, Ahmed M Kamara. All rights reserved. Newstime Africa content cannot be reproduced in any form ? electronic or print ? without prior consent of the Publishers. Copyright infringement will be pursued and perpetrators prosecuted.


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Herkimer, Little Falls will be back at it again in football playoffs

The Herkimer football team suffered its first loss of the season Saturday. The Magicians will get to avenge that loss pretty quickly, when they host Little Falls (2-3, 2-4) on Friday in the first round of the Section III Class C-2 playoffs.

Herkimer (4-1, 5-1), which only dressed 17 players in Saturday's 20-12 loss, will be at full strength this time around when the teams meet for the 7 p.m. showdown in East Herkimer.

In other Class C-2 playoff matchups, Waterville will host Lowville; Syracuse IT will travel to Tully; and Frankfort-Schuyler will host Mount Markham.

In Class C-1, Canastota earned the top seed, and will host Watertown IHC, and sixth-seeded Notre Dame will travel to General Brown.

All playoff games will be at 7 p.m. Friday.

Section III Class C-1 playoffs

8-Watertown IHC at 1-Canastota, 7 p.m.
7-Sherburne-Earlville at 2-Skaneateles, 7 p.m.
6-Notre Dame at 3-General Brown, 7 p.m.
5-APW at 4-Bishop Ludden, 7 p.m.

Section III Class C-2 playoffs

8-Little Falls (2-4) at Herkimer (5-1), 7 p.m.
7-Lowville (4-2) at 2-Waterville (3-3), 7 p.m.
6-Syracuse IT (2-4) at 3-Tully (4-2), 7 p.m.
5-Mount Markham (3-3) at 4-Frankfort-Schuyler (4-2), 7 p.m.

Class C crossover games

Hannibal at Thousand Islands, 7 p.m.
Jordan-Elbridge at Morrisville-Eaton, 7 p.m.
Clinton at Ilion, 7 p.m.
Adirondack at Holland Patent, 2 p.m.


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Monday, October 8, 2012

How To Maximize The Potential Of Internet Marketing | Christopher ...

There is a chance that one?s business can skyrocket into a world of fame and fortune, but it is more likely for a business to remain small. Unfortunately, the vast majority will vanish. It is hard to keep a brick-and-mortar business going, and this is also true about online businesses. Read the following article for some great information on how you can avoid becoming the next business failure.

Make sure you use offer customers a guarantee, it is a surefire way to increase your success. The word ?guaranteed? implies that you stand behind your products, and this inspires confidence in new customers. They are more comfortable spending their hard-earned money when a money-back guarantee is in place.

TIP! Good advertising is the key to growing your business fast. It is worth the money in the long run because advertising your business will play a huge role in how much business you receive.

Most often you will be advised not to mix business with your home life, but this may qualify as an exception. This is because there isn?t pressure, so it is a type of profit based hobby. Get your spouse involved and make it a team effort!

What is your goal? Keep it in the front of your mind and stick with it. Figure out which kind of articles you want to write and for which article directory. Find out the requirements for the particular directories you prefer. Remember this before you submit any content so you avoid wasting time getting rejections.

Get your name noticed by advertising on websites that receive heavy traffic. This can really help get your name out there and is worth the initial investment in the long run. Look for a site that gets lots of traffic, and this can help you get your name out there.

Keeping an eye on your competition is an important part of internet marketing. Competition is a constant issue, regardless of niche.

The whole reason for using Internet marketing is to get your business known by promoting it on the Internet; your campaign should lead to more opportunities. It sounds somewhat counter-intuitive, but the purpose of your strategy should be to start a cycle. You want an endless cycle of people using search engines, finding your website, and then purchasing your products.

Provide customers with a time-sensitive incentive to place an order. Perhaps you could offer free shipping for a certain number of customers, or you could include complimentary gift-wrapping for those who order by a certain date. Special offers and incentives should have a definite end date.

TIP! Consider the type of structure and information that people will look for when they come to your website. If you are able to provide them with what they want, you will make more sales and move more product.

One very helpful tool is a 500 error page that is user-friendly. This will make your visitors know of any problems with your site. You do not want to let users see a generic page that just says the connection was timed out. Instead, inform your visitors that you are working on a fix to their problem using a more creative webpage message that fits the format of your site.

Offer at least one free service for your customers. Many will visit for the free offer. Some will stick around your site! Some of the things that you can do on a monetary website include offering a free return or a financial calculator.

Giving customers the opportunity to sign up for your Ezine is a highly effective online marketing technique, especially if you know how to create an Ezine that helps you build a relationship with your subscribers. You can experiment with adding photographs of your staff, customers, or even family. Make it an interesting read as well by using humor or stories about your dealings with your employees and family. Catch your customers? attention with the use of a creative subject line in your Ezine.

If another business fails, it may just clear the way for your success. The marketing tips listed here will lead to your online success.

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Living Peaceful, Abundant, Healthy Lifestyles: Web Sites: the great ...

Web sites are the great equalizer. A site can make a small company look global and professional. Conversely, a site can also make a global company hard to find and hard to navigate. Over the years I have found that all sites fall into one of two categories: hobby or business. You?d be surprised at the businesses who run their web sites like a hobby. But, on the other hand, you?d be amazed at those upstart and ?home based? efforts that have first class business sites.

Here are the characteristics I have arrived at over the last ten years working with all types of businesses - large and small.

Hobby Site

  • created by business owner or may have paid some one to create it for them
  • goal is to sell products or services online

Business Site

  • all the qualities of a Hobby Site
  • have system in place and working it consistently to establish a beneficial web
  • doing consistent effort to expand web presence with search engine marketing
  • tangible intention(s) of being successful in the online market place

Those characteristics may sound simple for the business endeavors but they are the sweat equity that separate the winners from the losers - those making money online and those wondering why.

By the way, let?s look at sweat equity since it is a proven fact on business site success. The Google update last April, Penguin, wiped out all the ?get noticed quick? schemes for wanna be business site owners. In other words, Google now disregards any traffic from ?pay for click? sites. If you are paying for ?clicks? you might as well be throwing your money down the drain because that type of effort wont bring you more visibility in the search engines.

That Google update brought the web back to a level playing field. Today, one of the? most highly regarded? assets your web site can own are organic links: relevant links from reputable sites.? This won?t happen overnight like buying click traffic will. Building a network of organic links takes time, months, but the dividends cannot be beat because they are permanent quality real estate.

This is what distinguishes a business web site, they are willing to make the investment to build that web reputation and expand their presence in the search engines using sweat equity. Can they do it on their own? Sure.

Make no mistake, like everything else, there are skills to be acquired to establish that reputation and presence. The learning curve can be steep in the fluid world of technology. There are not a lot, if any, books out there that spell out the ABC?s of the necessary skills. Indeed, you need to be technology oriented to be successful in overcoming the hurdles.

The key question I ask myself and potential clients is this, ?What is your passion?? I see and meet many people who take on building and managing web sites who don?t have the passion in their heart, which means that are limited to expressing a hobby web site but most of the time won?t admit it. Isn?t that the case with all of life? Sure I can go purchase a battery and install it in my car but I won?t enjoy doing it. And, since I have no joy about working on cars, there may well be something I miss entirely or even screw up in the process of that battery change. My point is, may you have the faith to live your passion.

Hey, it is not my problem and not my issue to educate folks about their joys and passion. I want to work with people who want to grow and expand. You do your thing and I will do my thing to help you get yours accomplished using technology.

Be honest with your self. Live your passion. Walk your dream.? May your journey be filled with abundance and well being.

Steu Mann 541 210 4375

This article may be reproduced and distributed as long as all content remains intact as it is shown herein.


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Napa County REO Foreclosure Homes For Sale 10/5/2012 ...

Napa County foreclosed homes continue to make up a small portion of the market ? only 17 of 420 total homes currently for sale in Napa County (not including those in escrow).

Here are Napa County REO foreclosed homes for sale as of October 5, 2012.? To view a property?s MLS listing, click on Wine Country MLS search and enter the property address.? Properties are single family homes with lots smaller than an acre unless otherwise noted.? Drop me a line for more information and to schedule a showing. (




Location Bed/Bath Sq. Feet
American Canyon


128 Corsicana Dr

3/2 (2 0)


American Canyon


310 Donaldson Way

3/2 (1 1)


American Canyon


686 Jameson Canyon Rd

3/3 (2 1)




335 Tobin Ave

2/2 (1 1)




600 Whispering Pines Ln

7/5 (4 1)




1600 Atlas Peak Rd #368

1/1 (1 0)




1960 Yajome St

2/1 (1 0)




2051 Russell St

3/1 (1 0)




4018 Browns Valley Rd

3/2 (2 0)




1775 Wise Dr

3/2 (2 0)




66 Valley Club Cir

2/2 (2 0)




1950 Twin Creeks Ct

2/2 (2 0)




2117 1st Ave #A

3/1 (1 0)




1021 Steele Canyon Rd

3/5 (4 1)




370 Country Club Ln

4/3 (3 0)


St. Helena


2659 Lower Chiles Valley Rd

4/5 (5 0)


St. Helena


2675 Lower Chiles Valley Rd

4/8 (6 2)



Check back next week for updates or subscribe to this ePublication.

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Visit Wine Country MLS Search to search the local MLS for properties of all types in Napa, Sonoma, Solano, Marin and Mendocino Counties.

Visit RealtyTrac? Distressed Property Search for distressed properties, such as pre-foreclosures, bank-owned REO?s, auctions, and more throughout California.

Contact Us for help buying and selling Northern California real estate.


John A. Souerbry & Associates (DRE 01370983)

Tags: Napa CA REO Foreclosure Homes For Sale, American Canyon REO foreclosure home listings, Napa Valley MLS listings, Napa Valley real estate, Wine Country foreclosed homes, Northern California foreclosure properties, Northern California real estate

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John is a real estate broker in the San Francisco Bay Area. He writes about regional real estate markets and the finer side of Northern California living - wine, restaurants, the outdoors, and more. He resides in Silicon Valley and in Wine Country.


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