Tuesday, October 9, 2012

International business news magazine, The Economist, reports that ...

President Ernest Bai Koroma ? The Economist says he is favourite to win in November

World renowned and top international business magazine, The Economist , has?reported?in its?Oct. 5th 2012 edition, that the incumbent in the coming November 2012 vote in Sierra Leone, President Ernest Bai Koroma, is?the?favourite to win?the?elections against all odds. In an article presumably written by Simon Akam, but bearing no author tag as usual when Akam is up to his mischief, the magazine highlighted the recent misleading reports by Africa Confidential and Al-Jazeera, about alleged corruption involving the country?s Vice President, but conceded that President Ernest Bai Koroma is indeed the favourite to win the all important November elections.

The Economist also went on to predict, as Newstime Africa recently revealed, that VP Sam Sumana is indeed the natural successor to President Ernest Bai Koroma when his two-term presidency concludes in 2017. In the report, there was no mention of the SLPP?Opposition?presidential candidate Julius Maada Bio?s chances of having any impact on the elections. It seems?the?International media has resigned from?the?prospect of looking forward to a regime change in?the?coming?elections despite hounding the current leadership with weekly barrage of scandal-based accusations of corruption at?the?heart of government.

Akam, who writes for Reuters, and whose reports are?disseminated?across?most?international?media houses, has in the past been accused of?colluding?with?diplomats?and rogue?opposition?elements to file misleading reports about the political and economic situation in the country. The reports mentioned by the Economist that appeared in both Al-Jazeera and Africa Confidential, all seem to have the footprints of Simon Akam. The British born Journalist has been accused of engaging in a personal vendetta, at the inspiration of others, to dish out garbage about the country?s leadership to the international media. But, The Economist?s revelation that it is indeed president Ernest Bai Koroma who is the favourite to win in November, soundly exposes the final acceptance by the international press that the opposition SLPP presidential candidate, Julius Maada Bio does not have the credibility to stand up to the character and?reputation?the incumbent Koroma has managed to build for himself in his first term as president of the republic of Sierra Leone.

? 2012, Ahmed M Kamara. All rights reserved. Newstime Africa content cannot be reproduced in any form ? electronic or print ? without prior consent of the Publishers. Copyright infringement will be pursued and perpetrators prosecuted.

Source: http://www.newstimeafrica.com/archives/28644

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